02. the journal

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 June 1st , 2019 

Y/n p.o.v 


“sadie , would you get up .”
 “why ?”

“ trust me just get up .”

“ ugh, your no fun .” she says while rolling her eyes at me      

I moved the rug and saw  some sort of door . I opened the door to find some stairs leading to the bottom.

Which caused both dogs to start barking. So I let them leave the attic .

 “ you are seriously not going in there RIGHT.” 

“i know it sounds stupid to go down there but-”

“wait what are you even looking for ?“

“ the journal ,what else did we come up here for ?”
“ oh it's in that box .” she says while pointing to a box on the other side of the room 

  “REALLY, why didn't you never mind"
'Really sades what else would I be looking for . ' 

“ because i thought you were looking for the TV or well rather the machine ! “

 “ what machine ?”  I asked turning to face her . To see that she was sitting on the floor . 

“ you know the one our grandpa talks about in his journal ?”
she says looking at me as if I knew what she was talking about .

“ wait really . is the journal in this box ?” 

“ yup , i think he talks about  it on page 70 .” 

Right after she said that I turned around to see what looked like a beautiful  journal on the top of the box.  

‘a machine really i hope sadie isn't pranking me ‘
I think to myself as i grab the journal and start looking through it until I get to page 70. and i could tell sadie was not lying once i was halfway through reading the page. it said 


Page 70 book 2
                               june 4, 1980    day 351

  so far i think i have achieved it. you may be  asking what I achieved . WELL i think i may have  achieved to make a successful time machine . But not any time machine ,this machine is able to teleport you into any given movie or t.v show of your choice , of any  year .   this concludes for todays update tomorrow i will be writing about how it works .          
                                              ------       Arnold L/N 


“     wow, so our own grandfather made a time machine "   
   I don't get a response so I look up from the journal to see sadie sleeping on the floor . I mean I don't blame her we barely slept last night due to us staying up and talking. well until we snuck out at four am to get snacks  .
guess i should finish reading this .        
     But before going back to reading the journal I decided to cover her with the extra blanket we had up here.


Page 71  book 2 

                              june 5 , 1980.   Day 352

   The machine is disguised as a television ,the television has the letters  d.t.m it stands for dimension time machine . the t.v also is the color black and brown, it's hidden down the stairs you take a right and should see it . the way it works is that you put in the vhs of the certain era of movie or show you wanna travel to.  the way you get back is by putting on a gadget that looks like a bracelet with a locket . you open the locket and push the button inside it. of course I only made two bracelets just in case something happened. this concludes today's update . hopefully tomorrow I can write down how it went , and if it works.  

                      ----- Arnold L/n


the next few pages are blank great . 

 " Ughhhh"

I slam the journal shut , which woke sadie up . 

“ IT WAS THE DOG ! "   she yelled as she sits up all startled

“ what ?” 
I swear sometimes she has the weirdest dreams.

“ oh nothing  * yawns * , did you read it ?”

 I than stand up from the spot I was lying down on and point towards the door . “ yup , and it says the machine is down there .”  


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