Part 1: Creation

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God created humans. I am not a human, But I exist along with them. Two siblings kind of make life better.. Even if one of them is just a depressed emotional hermit. The other one is just a joyous.. Never mind. I guess I should talk about me now.. Hey. My name is-

Just so you know, I'm not fixing this. But to anyone who has no idea about this story, let me fill you in.

Air - Two sided bitch.


Cold Air - Just like Novel, irrelevant.

Novel - Also an irrelevant bitch.

Black Square - ~...~

Is that all? Did I forget somebody? Nope! That seems it.

Oh right. THAT ONE.

OSO - A sadistic, cold hearted, non existent psychopath.

OK, NOW that should be everyone.

Now leave this embarrassment of a part before I change it back.

Life As A Genderless Murderer (Or LAAGM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن