What Happened After Part 13?

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Passive: So, aren't we going to ever write what happened after last time?

MO: Nah, I'm too lazy.

Passive: So.. You're doing this instead?

MO: Yeah, it takes less time.

Basically, Novel fucking died, them and Passive got recovered, blah blah blah, and the Mysterious Female was never revealed, blah blah and Hot Air fuckin died. THE END. I'M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING, AND IT'S GONNA MAKE ZERO SENSE IF I DON'T EXPLAIN IT HERE.

I'm about to cut this book into two parts. The first part is over with, while the second one started with the recap.
Also, I'm only going to update 2-3 parts a week from now on. Because I sleep until like.. 2.. and it makes me hungry, tired, and flat out lazy.
So.. expect almost nothing.

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