Part 13: Flashback

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Ugh.. pieces of shit..

Lucy: They ended up getting sent here for "attempted" murder.

Geez, does jail not exist?

They sipped their tea, spilling it.

Lucy: No. No it doesn't..

So.. let me get this straight..
They "attempted" to kill someone, got sent here, cursed into ACTUALLY being a bad person, and got stuck with a complete stranger to them?

Lucy nodded their head.

Wonder where they are now...

Aggression: It's like the Nether.. endless amounts of lava, with an endless amount of bullshit.

They kicked a rock into a nearby.. pit..? No.. area..? Yeah.. good enough.. into a large area of lava.


Did you hear something?

Lucy: That's probably them.

Wait, so then what's Aggression's REAL name?

Lucy: Can't tell you that.

What? Why?

Lucy: Because the creator won't let me.

But.. you're fucking SATAN.

Lucy: Oh yeah.. their real name is-

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