Part 2: Hide and Seek

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Ugh.. I'm tired...

Aggression: You're not even doing anything.

Passive: Ok. I'm dehydrated, hungry, and my hand hurts.

Aggression let go, but continued walking.

Passive: Hey! Wait up!

Aggression: I thought you were tired.

Passive: Oh.. I was just looking for an excuse for you to let go of my hand.

Aggression: You're a prick, you know that?

Passive: Yeah, real nice.

Aggression: So, what are you going to do now?

Passive: What do you mean?

Aggression: Both of your "potential crushes" are dead.

Passive just gave a blank stare to Aggression.

Aggression: OSO killed Novel.

Passive: HA.. Good one..

Aggression: I'm being serious.

Passive: Wait, what..?

Aggression: Novel is dead.

Passive just collapsed.

Aggression: Ok, shocker. Now get your lazy ass up and keep going.

Passive: What's the point?

Aggression: So I can find that son of a bitch and mur- heavily injure them.

Passive: OSO will probably just kill us anyways..

Aggression: Eh. Wouldn't mind dying.

Passive: What about everyone else?

Aggression: Does it look like I care for them? They're all either annoying, weird, or bland.

Passive: And let me guess, except Brown Ball and Lollipop?

Aggression: Look who's Mr. Smart Guy now.

Passive: Well, thank-

Aggression picks up Passive, throwing them at MO.

MO: Hey! Watch it!

Aggression: It was either this, or the knife.

MO: Jerk.

Passive: Why do you keep running away?

MO: Well, it's not my fault if I'm scared of death.

Aggression: Fair point.

MO: Anyways, why did you come to me?

Aggression punches the shit out of MO.

Aggression: That's why.

MO: You son of a bitch..

Passive: Hey, why can't we just be friends?

Aggression: Because friendship is stupid, and this guy is an asshole.

MO: Wow. That's rich coming from you.

Passive: Why do I even bother..?

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