Part 16: Unexpected

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Cold... dark.. what is this? Some sort of cave?

Passive: Why does everything hurt?

Because you're dead, idiot.

MO was sitting right in front of Passive, bored.

Passive: Wait.. so.. wouldn't that mean-

MO: Yes, Aggression is still alive, yes they can ruin your life now, and no, you're not being recovered.

Passive: Aww...

MO: Will you just stop complaining and think about something else? Like.. if you're going to Heaven or Hell.

Passive: Just because I'm the merciful side, doesn't mean I'm granted a free pass to Heaven.

MO: Who said you were going? You're a dick.

Passive: Well.. what about you? You're dead too, and there's NO WAY you're going to make it.

MO: Yes yes, you're right. But at least I'll be remembered.

The events following that statement ended up being so bloody, so horrifying, that we had to replace it. Sorry for your inconvenience!

Passive: Heh.

MO: What, I made a good joke and you finally realize it?

Passive: No. I just realized we don't have to deal with Novel anymore.

MO: Oh my god, you're right.

Passive: Or Aggression..

MO: Or OSO..

Passive: Or Black Square..

MO: Or Hot Air..

Passive: I could get used to this.

Yeah, no. I'm not going to just let you idiots get away with a happy ending.

MO: You know it pains you to write this, so you can stop now.


Passive: What could you possibly mean? All we're doing is stating characters we hate from other books.


MO: What's your problem anyways? Why can't you just go back to Aggression's POV?

*Sigh* I just.. wanted some character development.. looks like that failed.

Passive: Couldn't you have just made that clear in the beginning?

Shut up, nobody cares for you, or your opinion.

MO: Can we just end the chapter before things escalate?


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