Part 4: Solitude

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For once in my shitty ass life, it sucks to be alone.

Passive: Like always.. I'm bored..

MO: Welcome to my world.

Passive: So, why did you kill them? For the second time..

MO: What? They're just a pessimistic, sarcastic-

Passive: Son of a bitch, yes.. I know.

MO: Well, rude.

Passive: You know what's rude? KILLING SOMEONE.

MO: Geez, it's just ONE person.

Passive: Fuck this. Fuck you, fuck everyone. I QUIT.

MO: This isn't a job.. you can't just quit...

Passive: It's called killing myself.

MO: Geez, is EVERYONE going to die?

Passive: Seems like that. Because hey, What's the point in living anyways?

MO: Well.. uh..

Passive: I rest my case.

Blah blah blah, Passive didn't ACTUALLY kill themselves. Since SOMEONE wouldn't shut up about it, they did the thing.

Oh, and.. Aggression is also still alive.. so.... yeah.. more shit from them..


Just one more thing before I go back into hibernation.. Passive and Aggression.. THEY'RE DONE WITH. This was the final chapter since it basically just wraps everything up.

Unless something happens that makes me continue this.. BUT THE CHANCES OF THAT. HA.

MO: So.. do we just.. die now?

Air: No. You fucking idiot.

MO: Annnnnd.. there's the piece of shit we all know and hate.

Air: Right back at ya.

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