Part 8: Judgement

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Aggression: Ugh.. it's so boring around here..

MO: That's what you get for trying to kill them.

Aggression: Still. I'm not the one who did it.

MO: Whatever. So, you were bored, right?

Aggression: Yeah..?

A pencil and pen magically appeared out of nowhere.

Aggression: Wait, where the fuck did you-

MO: No time for questions. Only opinions.

Aggression: Whatever happened to 'opinions don't matter, especially yours.'?

MO: Oh, that was just to get you to shut up.

Aggression: Fuckface.

The word fuckface appeared next to MO's name.

MO: Oh. So you know how it works?

Aggression: Do I look like a genius? OF COURSE NOT.

MO: Ugh, basically you judge somebody, and whatever you said appears next to their name.

Aggression: How is this supposed to be fun?

MO: Because then, the person with the worst stuff said about them dies!

Aggression: I'm suddenly very interested in this.

Some time later. . .

Aggression: Are we done yet?

MO: The only one left is.. Holly.

Aggression: Ugh.. do I have to?

MO: Do you want someone dead or not?

Aggression: Fine. They're a free-loading, self-centered, idiot.

MO: ...Ok.

The words appeared next to Holly's name on the paper.

Aggression: NOW are we done?

MO: Yes.

Aggression fell back, and actually relaxed for once.

MO: Lazy.

Aggression: It's not lazy if you dedicate your whole life to just one thing, but you never get any time to yourself.

MO: Well.. I mean.. fine. You're right.

Aggression: I'm always right.

MO: Oh really?

Aggression: Are you challenging me?

MO: As a matter of fact, I am.

Aggression took out their knife.

Poor choice of words.

The only thing heard for the rest of the night was sweet silence.

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