Part 11: Boredom

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Aggression: It's no fun when everybody's dead.

They just started pacing, thinking about something.

Aggression: Unless.. I.. no.. I'd never do that.. would I..?

You won't. It's in your nature.

Aggression: Oh great.. it's bad enough having to deal with those two shits.. now you?

I'm not who you think I am.

Aggression: Yeah yeah.. I don't give one.

Fine. Enjoy boredom.

Aggression: I think I will. Besides, what could YOU possibly do?

Have fun.

Aggression: Once again.. how?

Just follow me, I can show you.

They walked over to the disembodied voice, knowing they could kill them.

Aggression: Sooo.. where exactly are we going?

Where you truly belong.

Aggression: You mean Hell?


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