Part 8: Hatred

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Welcome back to another episode of.. Who Will Hate Air Next?

Air was sitting on the vending machine, contemplating life.


Air: Ugh, what now?

OSO: I just wanted you to answer my question.

Air: Which is?

OSO: Why did-

Air groans, wanting to be rid of the horrid memory.

Air: Why does everybody blame me when people die?!

OSO: Because you killed Holly, and almost killed Black Square and Leafy.

Air: That's not my fault!

OSO: Then who's fault is it?

Air: Well.. uh..

OSO: Exactly. Why don't you go and disappear? It's not like anybody's going to know you were gone.

Air would then walk off, going to a place where it couldn't disturb or kill anybody.

Novel: ...

OSO: You're welcome.

Let's switch perspectives, shall we?

Root Beer was in the distance, approaching OSO Novel.


To Be Continued..

Life As A Genderless Murderer (Or LAAGM)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt