Part 10: Talk

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Wakey wakey..

Passive: H-Huh?

Aggression: Took you long enough..

Passive: Oh.. I forgot I was here..

-More unintelligible screaming-

Aggression took the tape off the first disembodied voice.


Aggression: Deranged son of a bitch? Yes, I've heard it before.

Passive: Sigh Can you just let us go?

Aggression: Hmm.. I'll get back to you on that..

They stabbed Passive, then smiled creepily at MO.

MO: H-H-Hey.. Maybe we can just talk this out..?

Aggression: You're kidding, right?

I'm just now realizing that in none of the previous parts, did I ever recover MO.. so.. yeah.. he's dead.

They sat there, covered in blood.

Aggression: Huh. That was easier than I thought.

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