I seriously need to stop doing this.

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How are you?
Today, we will learn how to build a RECOVERY CENTER.
You will need the following parts: 1. TONS of metal. 2. Buttons to press and mess with. 3. A (working) red lever. And 4. A tiny bit of imagination.

First, use your welding tools to fuse the metal together. Be careful, and always wear a mask and gloves.

Second, insert the buttons in alphabetical order.

Third, (and one of the most crucial steps) add 1 teaspoon of imagination.

Lastly, carefully, I SAID CAREFULLY. Insert the lever through your box.

With those 4 steps, you should be able to recover any of your dead friends!

Hmm.. still not enough words.. how about I demonstrate?

They typed: A-I-R, and pulled the lever.

Air: Wait, what the-

And that's how it works ladies and gentlemen, and transgenders, and gays, and bisexuals, and queers, and-

Air: That's enough.



Seriously, you people are HORRIBLE.

Oh, because the DIRECTOR sure is great!

Air: Put us through 5 hours of Hell, they said.. we'd be rich if we did, they said..

Enough. From the top!

But our budget!

Air: And there's no way I'm getting back into that shit box.

Do you want to get paid, or not?

Air: I'd honestly rather die.

Oh, fuck you. I DON'T EVEN NEED YOU-

As if it were predetermined, the director was instantly killed.

Air: He was getting on my nerves.

Fair point.

I bet you thought this was the end.

Air: You were wrong.

Now, since the director is dead, we are free to sell you your very OWN deluxe recovery center!

Passive: Only for the cheap price of 17.99!

Aggression: Hurry and buy it now..

Or don't! It's your choice!

Aggression: Are we done now?

Bold and italics text gave Aggression a crisp 20 dollar bill.

After that.. let's just say.. things got.. messy..

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