Part 19: It's over.

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How am I even going to do this?

Aggression: I'll just go through the weapon pile. Maybe I'll find something useful there..

Countless weapons later.

Aggression: I guess a knife will have to do... again..

Somewhere, someone, preferably a gay bitch-

Hot Air: Hmm.. wonder where everybody else is....

Aggression: Ah, perfect.

Insert Aggression jumping into a bush.




You can come out now.

The little shit was standing right in front of the bush.

Aggression: Shoo, I'm waiting for you- Fuck.

Hot Air: What were you going to do?

Aggression hid the knife.

Aggression: Oh, NOTHING.

Hot Air: Hmm.. ok!

Wait, did that actually work?


Now, all I have to do is-

Hot Air: What's the knife for?

Aggression: ...Nothing, now go.

He.. she..? Fuck it. THEY shook their head, trying to to get a closer look.

Hot Air: Just let me see it!

Aggression: You know what.. sure.

THEY handed THEM the knife.

Hot Air: Sooooo.. what's it for?

Aggression: Like I said, nothing. Now give it back.

Hot Air: I don't believe you.


Aggression: You wanted to know what it was for?


Hot Air: ...

Aggression: You know.. it never had to be like this..

Hot Air: W-Wha?

Aggression: You could've been me. A relevant GOOD character. But no.... what are you?

A joke.

One last knife to the head was all it took for Hot Air to be dead.



Huh? Where.. am I?

You died, genius.


Enjoy your stay, you're gonna be here for a while.

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