Part 10: Truth

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I'm starting to run out of titles for these.. Hope you people have some.

Aggression: Tell anyone, living or dead, And I will personally send you to hell.

Passive: Ok, Ok. Geez..

OSO Appeared.

OSO: Tell anyone what?

Passive: That Aggression likes-

OSO: Likes who?

Aggression: Nobody. This conversation is over. Now go.

OSO Disappeared, Along With Passive.

Aggression: Annnnd I successfully secluded myself from society. Great..

Passive reappeared.

Passive: What, are you trying to make somebody feel bad for you?

Aggression: What, did it work?

Passive: Pfft. Of course.. it.. did..

Aggression: Pathetic.

Passive: I'm rethinking even feeling sympathy.

Aggression: Wanna know why I kill?

Passive: Didn't ask that.. but sure.

Aggression: I'm.. lonely..

Passive: Oh wow. Welcome to every depressed teen cliché ever.

Aggression: I'm starting to rethink not killing you on the spot.

Passive: Sorry, Sorry.

Aggression: So uh.. What now?

A Mysterious Figure takes Aggression, disappearing with them.

Passive: What the actual-

Life As A Genderless Murderer (Or LAAGM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon