Part 5: Confession

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This whole chapter is the result of being up way too early in the fucking morning, killing myself, word after word.. Can this ship die again..?

Passive: Ugh.. I'm thirsty..

Aggression: Then why don't you-

Passive: Don't even THINK about it that way.

Aggression: Fine. Know any place to find some tea?

Passive: What are you, British?

Aggression: Not that kind of tea..

Passive: Green? Chamomile?

Aggression: What the fuck did I just say?

Passive: Wait..

Aggression: Let me give you a hint, this tea can be SPILLED.

Passive: White? Fermented? Yellow? Black? Herbal? Oolong?!

Aggression: No. I'm talking about drama.

Passive: Oh. OH.

Aggression: Anyways, what were you thirsty for?


Aggression: Dafuq.

Passive: N-Nothing. I don't really feel thirsty anymore..

Aggression: Ok. I get it.

Passive: Then why are you smiling creepily like that?

Aggression: You'll see..


Hot Air: Oh, um, hey Air.

Aggression: Fuck this.

I'm going to be sick if I continue writing this..

Since Aggression left the two, that made Passive vulnerable to.. well.. ANYTHING. In this case, a hug.

Hot Air: I missed you..

Passive sighed, knowing they missed Hot Air, but they didn't want to admit it.

Aggression: Too bad there's no popcorn.

Let's say about.. 10 minutes later?

Passive: Welp, I'm out.

Hot Air: Bye..

Like the asshole they were, they didn't say anything back.

Hot Air: This is ok.. I'm used to being alone..

It's only better than last time because.. well.. pretty sure you already know. Anyways, see ya sinners!

Life As A Genderless Murderer (Or LAAGM)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang