Part 11: Capture

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Why is all I see black..? Who's there..?
Where am I....?

Aggression finally woke up, inside a bag.

Aggression: What the-

???: Oh. You finally woke up.

Aggression: H-How long have I been in this dump?

???: An hour, at least.

Aggression: Ugh. Anyways, What do you want from me?

???: I heard you have expertise when it comes to killing.

Aggression: What, you want somebody dead?

The Mysterious Figure toyed with their knife.

???: As a matter of fact, yes.

Aggression: Ok. I'm hooked. Who?

???: Let me finish.

Aggression: Fine.

???: Y'know OSO Novel?

Aggression: Uh, Yeah. Why?

???: Both or either of them will do.

Aggression: Anyone else?

???: Your little friend.

Aggression: Who, Passive?

???: Precisely.

Aggression: Easy.

???: You say that like it won't be.

Aggression: I say that because it will be.

???: Nevertheless, I'm going to help you.

The Mysterious Figure puts Aggression back in the bag, laughing to herself.

???: Now. The reward.

Aggression: Wait, WHAT?

???: If you manage to kill all of the targets by the day after tomorrow, You shall be rewarded.

Aggression: How much?

???: Wouldn't you like to know?

Aggression: Well, Yes.

???: You'll find out if you can do the job.

Aggression: Ugh. Work for an unknown payer, with an unknown reward.. This should be fun..

The Mysterious Female ties the bag shut, throwing it outside.

???: Now, drop this inconspicuously.

Aggression: Which means..?

???: Idiot. It means make sure nobody finds out that you dropped this letter.

Aggression: Oh.

They read the letter, finding out the whole thing is blank.

Aggression: Wait, what's the point of dropping this if there's nothing there?

???: Because. It's invisible.

Aggression: Ah.

The Mysterious Female takes back the letter, signing it 'A'.

???: Ok. Now give it to them.

Aggression groans, rolling their way (with the letter) over to Passive.

They then disappear with the bag, leaving only the letter.

Passive: Huh?

326 words to be exact.
Welp, Time to leave you sinners on a cliff hanger. Ta-Ta!

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