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By the time six rolled around, I was already up and ready for the day. My homework was finished, my bag is packed and I'm just waiting for my host family to wake up so I can go get breakfast. Also, I was sitting at my temporary desk waiting giddily for a call. I tapped my fingers along the wood to the beat of one of my favorite songs: 'Twisted Pain' by JILUKA. Somewhere along the way, I started humming the chorus and before you know it, I'm bobbing my head up and down slightly. I was so engrossed in the song I almost failed to pick up the incoming call. Once I connected, I flashed my usual bright smile to the person sitting on the other side of the screen.

"Konbanwa, Zen-chan!" I greeted. Zen reflected my smile.

"Ohayo, Hide-kun," he replied.

"How was your first day?" I proceeded to ask. Zen shrugged his shoulders but based on that smile I can tell it went well.

"I might have made some friends," he finally admitted. "What about you? Is everyone treating you fairly over there?"

"Absolutely! These two days were well until lunch yesterday," I answered honestly. Zen perked up in worry. I could tell.

"Uh-oh. What happened?"

"Nothing much. I was just so confused since I'm used to eating in the classroom with my classmates, but here you don't even have the same classmates in every class. And having to eat in a set cafeteria for lunch was just so surreal to me. I didn't even know who to sit with! Everywhere I went people wanted me to sit with them." I stopped short when I heard Zen laugh. I looked at him and he covered his mouth to prevent more giggles from escaping. Even so, he didn't seem ashamed to be laughing.

"I'm sorry, continue."

"What's so funny, Zen-chan?" He shook his head.

"Nothing, just," taking a deep breath, he let go of his face to show me his cheeky smile. "I warned you before, didn't I?"

"Well, yeah, but experiencing is much different from hearing it," I grumbled. Zen shook his head with one last laugh. Regaining his composure, we chatted for a little while. About the class size, the differences we will have to get used to, and the people we've acquainted ourselves with.

"I feel like an ass for not knowing how to pronounce their names correctly," Zen complained with a pout. "All I know is that they were so kind as to let me sit with them because usually, you did so."

"Ahh, so you're talking about Nao-chan, Saito-chan, Ito-chan, Aki-chan, Sa-chan, and Yoshi-chan. They've been my friends since middle school," I recalled, "except for Nao-chan and Aki-chan. They've been my friends since kindergarten." Zen nodded sweetly. There was something in his eyes that made me start to think. I shouldn't assume things based on a slight glimpse, so I'll just leave it. Then Zen made a thoughtful face.

"But I only sat with five of them. You mentioned six names," Zen pointed out. I raised a brow in question. "I don't know who is who but I know it was only five."

I shook my head. "Maybe it was Aki-chan who was missing. That guy always wanders off on his own if neither Nao-chan or I are there."

"Maybe that's the case," Zen agreed, "though there was another empty seat and someone's name was written on the board under the 'absent's. Maybe he just wasn't here today?"

"Maybe, maybe," I said in thought. "It could be he doesn't feel comfortable being there without me. You see, he is really like a little child. If I'm not there for him to cling for support, he will crumble. Sometimes he only sits with the rest of my friends if both Nao-chan and I are there."

"I see." Zen placed a finger under his chin and was nodding at nothing in particular. "So he's just like me. If Daisy isn't there, I feel as though I have no say to anything."

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