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Kirishima is off today. There is no way to not tell.

I stared at the pavement in front of me. The same pavement on our route to the station. Ever since I got out of the house Kirishima hasn't said anything other than a quiet 'ohayo'. I held my bag strap tightly. I know why he is like this. Hide had to have said something about me last night. Something while the call was muted.

"Um, how are you today, Kirishima-san?" I asked hesitantly. Kirishima looked like I had startled him awake because he looked at me in surprise then at the path in front of us.

"I'm fine today. Thanks for asking." He didn't ask me back so I know he isn't totally okay.

"I see," I said just as quietly. Kirishima did take notice of this and furrowed his brows in worry.

"Daijobu, Zenjiro-san?" he asked. I gave him the same startled look.

"I am!" I answered loudly. His expression told me he didn't buy it. I gulped and looked away. "It's just that you're awfully quiet today."

Kirishima seemed to look in thought before carefully giving me an answer. "I talked with a friend last night. He said something that gave me a surprise. Maybe that's why I'm quiet?"

I almost shuddered at the mention of the chat he said he had. It's definitely about that topic with Hide. My face started to feel hot and I knew that if my skin were any lighter, I'd be blushing. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Kirishima look briefly at my face before focusing on the road again. The station is within view now.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Zenjiro-san," Kirishima said. I looked at him with a dismissive gesture.

"Don't worry about it. I should be the one apologizing," I replied. We crossed the entrance of the station and proceeded to wait at our usual spot. It's still quiet between us but at least there is the sound of other people to help keep me sane. Kirishima has no idea Hide and I talk to each other unless that idiot spilled the beans.

"Yui-chan!" I heard to my right. Turning in the direction of the voice, I found Retsu and her clique surrounding the timid girl as if someone would try to kidnap her. "Were you able to identify the pervert?"

Yui shook her head. "H-he grabbed me from b-behind."

My eyes widened. Yui was--

"It's okay, Yui-chan. If he bothers you again we'll get the police involved!" Azuma said with reassurance. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement. It kind of surprised me how nice they treat Yui despite how they treat Kirishima and others in the school. It's almost as if she was their precious little sister.

Yet despite this, they still treat her cousin like crap. I glanced at the still silent Kirishima next to me. It seems that no matter what happens, Yui nor Kirishima bother to help out the other. I know Kirishima heard what Retsu's clique said because if I, who isn't fluent with the language, could understand, Kirishima could as well. If it were me, I'd barge in and make sure my cousin is alright. Waiting for a creep to come back is not an option. There should be cameras here!

Looking around unsubtly, I counted four security cameras that could have potential footage to identify whoever touched Yui. Four cameras in... a crowded station. I 'tsked'. Of course, it won't properly identify a single man in the crowd. Yui is too small to be pointed out anyway.

The train pulled up as I was gathering my thoughts. Kirishima boarded without checking that I got on with him. He must be stuck in his thoughts or... no, I'd rather not assume the worst.

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