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I woke up at five o'clock sharp the following morning. I prepared everything I needed the night before as I knew it would take me forever to get out of bed. I set the alarm right next to my head on the bed to turn off as soon as I awoke to avoid disrupting my host family. I groggily put on my uniform and got my bag together, washed my face and was now more awake to go. I sat at my desk chair and turned on my laptop. I am expecting a call in a few minutes from none other than Hide so I don't want to appear as an ape monster or whatever.

Right on cue, Skype is ringing. With a smile, I answer the call and greet my smiley friend. Except I stopped halfway through my greet. I may not know Hide that long, but having studied other people's expressions for so many years has given me the ability to know a real smile from a fake one. "What happened?"

Hide in turn quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about, Zen-chan? I'm totally fine!" My 'really' expression made him hesitant. "Well, as fine as I can be. Today was stressful, I admit. I'm still getting used to the way things are here."

My expression softened as I thought about myself. I'm pretty much in the same boat as Hide so I let it slide. It has only been a few days since the exchange started. We chatted happily with Hide having a distant look sometimes but always making sure to make me laugh at his crazy stories and jokes. Eventually, we had to end the call and with a sincere 'jaane,' closed my laptop. That guy is really fun to be around. It's no wonder he has so many amazing friends.

Hearing an alarm startled me momentarily until I realized it was Mrs. Aoki's morning alarm to wake up herself. I picked up my bag and stuffed both of my phones in the side pocket and opened my door. The alarm was stopped and I could hear the couple groaning. Glancing at my watch, I decided to wait for them in the dining room. Though just waiting won't be enough.

As soon as I walked in I set my things down and fetched some cereal bowls, taking out milk and two different cereal boxes out of the cupboard. I set the table with a spoon next to each bowl and two bowls filled with Cinnamon Toast Crunch and one with Lucky Charms. After pouring milk into each bowl, I put everything up, pulled out a banana to set next to one bowl, and stood by the counter to wait. I don't want to dig in without them.

After about ten minutes Mr. Aoki emerged adjusting his tie. Someone is quick to get ready. When he noticed me standing by the counter, he seemed surprised. Especially when he saw the bowls.

"You knew?" he asked. I nodded, understanding his question. As I said before, I tend to observe others quietly. As expected, he sat in front of the bowl with the banana. Cinnamon Toast Crunch with banana slices sprinkled. He set his briefcase next to him on the floor and checked his watch. "You're up early."

I took my seat next to him with the Lucky Charms. "I was a little excited to stay asleep," I admitted though it took me a good while to be fully awake.

"Just like Hide," Mr. Aoki chuckled. I fidgeted with my hands as we both waited for Mrs. Aoki to exit the bathroom. I shook my head with a smile. Even as my time as a girl I never understand women with their makeup and everything. Just get clothes, wash your face and you're done! Why waste hours just to look 'perfect'? We didn't have to wait long because Mrs. Aoki emerged as well almost immediately in a suit much like her husband. Now that I mention it, I don't think I've asked where they work.

"Itadakimasu," the three of us said once Mrs. Aoki seated herself. I cleared my throat and decided to clear my curiosity. "Um, if you don't mind, where do you work?"

"I'm an editor at Makuwara Publishing," Mr. Aoki answered with a bright smile. So he's who Hide got his smile from.

"I'm an accountant at the Nabisen Bank," Mrs. Aoki added just as nicely.

Road to RecognitionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz