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The ceremony was the same as Aki-chan's ni-san's ceremony a few years ago. Too many people talking about the school and us. I paid attention, of course. I only think they shouldn't make it run for so long.

Zen-chan left home a few nights ago. He wished everyone for good fortune at our ceremony. It was nice. If only the program would've allowed him to stay to see us receive our certificates today. That would have been great.

"Why'd it take you until last night to dye your hair," Aki-chan came up to me after we were released. I reached my hand up to my newly dyed hair.

"Zen-chan convinced me to let it grow out. I couldn't show up with silver hair though." It is disrespectful to show up to an important event in the wrong attire. Black hair is a requirement for proper attire here.

"You should've taken a picture at least. Your trip to America will probably be the last time you let your natural color grow out," Aki-chan reminded me. I shook my head.

"Zen-chan took a picture of my parents and me at the airport. I'll ask him to send it to me later," I told him. He nodded in approval.

"Hide-chan, Aki-chan!" Nao-chan came running to us. "Omedetou gozaimasu!"

"You, too, Nao-kun," Aki-chan responded and returned his hug. Nao-chan let go of Aki-chan and hugged me as well.

"Where are the others?" I asked at the lack of our friends. Nao-chan lifted his shoulders.

"With family already. Where are your parents by the way?"

"They should be arriving any second now," I answered. Both of our families sat together in the audience. I saw them. They must be stuck by the other families or are looking for us at the wrong places. I laughed at the image of ten people running around looking for two senior high graduates. We honestly should've gone directly to them, but the number of people pulling Aki-chan and me aside...

"You still have your button," Nao-chan pointed out. Confused, I followed where he was looking and realized Aki-chan's uniform had all of his buttons. I dramatically gasped.

"You didn't give Zen-chan your second button!" I exclaimed. Aki-chan glanced at his uniform and frowned.

"Mou. I forgot." Typical Aki-chan.

"Who did you give yours to, Hide-chan?" Nao-chan continued to ask me.

"Ah, Yui-chan asked for it just a while ago," I answered nonchalantly. This instantly regained Aki-chan's attention.

"Yui-chan did what?" Aki-chan looks so surprised and angry. Nao-chan and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Why do you care, Aki-chan? I thought you and Yui-chan didn't get along," Nao-chan said. Aki-chan quickly replaced his expression to uninterest, yet we could tell he wasn't exactly calm.

"I don't care. I'm just surprised you gave her your button, that's all."

Nao-chan sighed with a smirk and placed an arm around me. "It shouldn't come as a surprise. It's been obvious since we were kids that Yui-chan likes Hide-chan. Now she simply got the courage she needed to show her love!"

"That's right, Nao-chan," I agreed happily. I have thought about life with Yui-chan but never had the confidence to ask her out. Now I will probably search for her before she leaves the city. Once she and the Kirishima's get together, they aren't leaving their homes until the entrance exam day.

Aki-chan sighed, smiled, and brought his free hand to his hip. "You're right. It was obvious all these years. I'm happy for you, Hide-kun."

A little shocked, I burst into another joyful grin. "Un! Wish me luck for the future!"

"But you better not get married before me, dude," Nao-chan laughed.

"Why are you telling Hide-kun to never get married, Nao-kun?"

"Aki-chan! So mean!"

"So childish," I snickered.

"Hide," the voice of my mother caught my ears. "Aki-chan! Over here!"

The three of us spun to find my ka-chan waving us over to our families. I waved back and shouted, "We'll be there in a moment!"

"Where are your parents, Nao-kun?"

"They're waiting at the house. After I finish my farewells to my friends, we're going to go celebrate with my grandparents in Kurokawa."

"You're no fun, Nao-chan," I complained. "You always have secluded parties with your grandparents! Invite me over sometime, will you?"

"As I've explained before, they don't like city-people entering their land. Gomen," Nao-chan explained for what I believe will be the last time.

It still is weird to think that we are going our separate ways after growing up together. We've been with each other since we learned how to walk! Remembering our childhood memories made me tear up.

"I really will miss you guys!" I cried and brought my two longest friends into a hug. They were startled at my outburst and tears.

"Nihongo, Hide-kun."

"Gomen, gomen." I pulled back slightly to look at my friends. "We will keep in touch, right?"

"Of course, baka," Nao-chan ruffled my hair. "We'll also see each other at the class reunions. Don't think this is goodbye."

"Yeah." I let go to wipe away my tears. I can't see clearly though I am sure I saw Aki-chan and Nao-chan look away from each other to wipe their eyes. So they are getting emotional!

"Finished crying?" Ka-chan asked. The entire group is here watching me cry.

I nodded although more tears flowed down. Can I be blamed? While the adults talked amongst themselves and Aki-chan and Nao-chan, I struggled to stop crying. I never thought adulthood would be thrown into my face like this. I never thought that ten days is too little time to prepare everything I know behind. Yet here I am.

"We're going to take our leave now. Take care!" Aki-chan's ni-san said. The Kirishima's turned to take their leave. Aki-chan stopped to wave at Nao-chan and me with a sad smile.

"Ja ne, Hide-chan, Nao-chan."

With a tear-streaked smile, we waved. "Ja ne, Aki-chan."

As the school grounds dispersed, each student hugging and crying with their friends, every former third year can only have the same thought going through their minds. I know it because I have it. 

Goodbye, childhood. Hello, future.

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