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"Hide really is a good guy," I sighed aloud and leaned back in my chair with yet another yawn. "Way too good to face those kinds of people." My whole life I grew up in an area of liars and manipulators. That does not exclude my parents. Not even Daisy. The only one who isn't like that is my childhood friend. The one who everyone is against as well. I looked around Hide's room for probably the billionth time. There isn't much to define him except for his overly joyful personality.

I sighed and stood up. It's almost time to get ready for school. I looked at the uniform hanging on the closet door and decided to put it on before going to sleep. It's only going to be for one hour so why not get a head start?

I carefully put it on and passed out on the bed.


"You forgot a button," Kirishima snickered at my attire. I blushed and glared at the ground as we walked to the station. I fixed what he was talking about and placed my hands in my pants pockets. The Aoki's were kind enough to wake me up right before they left for work. However, I did not save myself from a scolding for falling asleep in my school uniform.

"I know, I know," I replied in annoyance. We arrived at the corner where we bumped into Retsu and her group the day before and thankfully we didn't stumble across her again. We will see her eventually so might as well be prepared.

We arrived at the station and boarded the train. We heard the giggling group but did not see them due to the number of people. Kirishima remained silent on the ride to school to avoid stares about the topics we like to discuss. Besides, it's pretty crowded in here.

The train arrived at our station and we got off with many other students once again. We resumed talking excitedly and laughing the rest of the way to school. My Japanese has improved tremendously.

"Zen-kun!" I heard at the school gate. I looked up and saw Takahashi waving at us with Ito I believe. I'm still learning their names. The two walked up to us and Takahashi's eyes went over our heads to see someone else. "Aki-chan!"

My head instantly turned in the direction he was facing and looked past Kirishima to see Saito. So that's who 'Aki-chan' is? I've been keeping all of this anticipation and anxiety to meet who Hide was speaking about before and it turned out to be someone who I already knew. I stopped paying attention as the guys talked fast over my head and we entered the building. I separated from the group to my locker and did the usual routine of changing into my indoor shoes.

The group and I walked to the classroom chatting until the bell rang. By the time the teacher was in the classroom, everyone was in their designated seats.

The lesson started much like any other day. No one was absent. Everyone was taking notes. I did notice one girl asleep on her desk though. I half expected Mrs. Kobayashi to scold her as they do back at my school. Instead, she simply looked at her once and continued the lesson. This was odd to me until she started picking up last night's assignment. The teacher went to her desk to nudge her awake. She spoke in such a quiet and calm tone to the girl who realized what was happening. The girl opened her binder and pulled out a packet of papers. My eyes widened when I realized the packet was complete. Mrs. Kobayashi let her sleep some more.

Something I also noticed was the guy who sits in the very front. His hair isn't brown anymore. He must have been told to dye it like the rules say to do. I wonder why that's even a rule?

Lunchtime came and I took my stroll to the cafeteria after pushing my desk with the others. Kirishima disappeared as soon as my back was turned. I came back and sat down happily with the group. I ended up sitting right next to Saito so I was able to see his name tag on his bag. 'Akihiro Saito'. I smiled. According to Hide, this guy and I are similar.

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