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By the end of my third full school day, I was more than ready to go home. I avoided anyone who tried to talk to after the bell rang, gently excusing myself with a polite smile no one deserves and made my way to Reyes-sans car. I greeted her like usual and stayed silent throughout the ride home. I'm just sick of this.

As soon as we got home, I went to my bedroom and started on my homework. I asked Reyes-san to go ahead and eat without me as I have a pile of homework. She gave me a worrisome smile but accepted my request. Thank you, Okaa-chan.

Three hours before calling Zen-chan. We didn't skype earlier this morning because he was busy with homework. Finally experiencing a true Japanese student school life. I checked my phone clock for Japan. It's still 3:43 a.m. He is deep asleep. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. Why did I have to be so naive about everyone here just because of Zen-chan? He even told me towards the beginning that not everyone is as nice as him. I should have heeded his warning.


"Carla follows anyone around like a lost puppy."

"Carla does nothing in group works."

"Carla does everything and takes all the credit in group works."

"Carla is as rude as eff."

"Who the hell is that? The quiet girl from my English class?"

"Such a wimp--"


"Why should she come back? Hide is ten times better than Carla will ever be."

Urusai! I released my fists from my hair, pulling out a strand in the process. I analyzed it and concluded I needed to dye it again soon. My silver hair grows back fast. Standing up, I opened my door and contemplated going to ask if Reyes-san could buy me some black hair dye. I pulled out my wallet and checked how much I have. Mostly yen notes, but buried deep amongst them I know I have some American dollars-- Aha! Here you are. Just as I was about to exit, the sound of an incoming Skype call stopped me in my tracks. I glanced over my shoulder at my open laptop. It's a call from Zen-chan.

I launched myself back into my chair and hurriedly dragged my mouse to pick up. Once I did so, I see a tired Zen-chan in a dark room. The only thing illuminating his face and pieces of furniture is the computer screen. I smiled in confusion. "Ohayo?"

"Konbanwa," he greeted back with a yawn. "How are you, Hide?"

"Eh, I'm doing fine," I said unsurely. Zen-chan nodded.

"That's good, that's good." With a more sure face, he continued. "I couldn't quite sleep yet. At the airport, my medication was confiscated so I can't get proper sleep until I go back."

"Ahh," I finally understood. If I remember correctly, Zen-chan has medication to help with his insomnia. I remember because one time his mom walked in the middle of a call to give it to him. She didn't see it was me on the screen thankfully but Zen-chan was freaking out.

"Your hair looks cool," Zen-chan blurted. I blinked in confusion. He realized what he said and started to show his embarrassment. "Uh, ya know, since silver isn't a very common color I'd always been fascinated by it and your hair used to be mostly black but now half of it isn't and the way it is growing back gives your hair this cool combination and I should probably stop talking now before I can't."

I laughed at Zen-chan's mini-rant. I stared at myself in the small screen with my face on it, still chuckling. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It does look neat. I was just about to go and get more black dye to keep it black though just before you called. So..."

Road to RecognitionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz