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I groaned into my hands. I still can't get over what I've done and it's only been two days!

"What's wrong, Hide?" Daisy asked. I peeked at her through the cracks of my fingers and groaned again.

"I'm not feeling well," I admitted.

"You should go home if you don't feel well," Daisy reminded me. I shook my head.

"No, I need to practice. I want to get as good as you!"

"Forcing yourself won't make you any better," Daisy said matter-of-factly. I picked up my flute and began fingering along to the notes on the page. I can do this, I don't need to go home!

"Shit," Daisy cursed under her breath. I noticed her put away her cellphone. "Hide, can I borrow your phone? I need to make a call."

"Oh, sure!" I said, handing her my phone without another thought. She silently thanks me and pulled up my dial pad, walking out of the practice room. I began playing the simple tune, believing I finally can play it. The notes that came out are worse than a seventh grader's.

A few minutes pass before Daisy finally comes back in. I had become too engaged in the notes I didn't notice her expression at first.

"Is everything alright, Daisy-chan--" I began without lifting my eyes. Instead of allowing me to finish, Daisy gave me a hard shove, almost knocking me out of my chair.

"Why do you have Carla's number?" she demanded angrily. My eyes widened in alarm. How did-- "I typed in the first three numbers of my mom's cell and her number popped up. Why do you have her number?"

I furrowed my brow and shook my head as if I had no idea what she's talking about. Unfortunately, I do. Dammit! "Answer me!"

"I don't know what you're talking about--"

"Yes, you fucking do! Now tell me. Why. Do. You. Have. Her. Number?" She shoved my phone in my face to reveal Zen-chan's contact open. The thing is, his name is in kanji. I can use this to my advantage!

"That's not Carla! That's my good friend Zen-chan! If you put his contact name through Google Translate you'll see it says 'Zen-chan'."

Daisy looked at me incredulously. "Carla is my best friend so I know her number by heart. Don't you lie to me--"

"Are you two playing or having a girl fight?" the stern voice of the band director interrupted her. Daisy turned to find him at the open door glaring at us. "If you are not practicing, then please stop hogging the practice room so others can actually practice. Oh, and go home already."

At a loss for words, Daisy angrily stuffed her things together and pushed past him. I put up my things hurriedly as well, stopping in front of him and bowing.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble," I said. I didn't wait for a response and left the band hall.

Not two feet and my path is blocked by Daisy and a very tall guy. I squinted my eyes up at his face. He seems familiar...

"--Jared," Daisy said. Ah. Her boyfriend. Jared lifted his hand that held my phone to see it closer-- Wait, she never gave me my phone back!

"Please return my phone," I asked politely with a visibly forced smile. Jared hummed as he started scrolling through my contacts. I gritted my teeth. "Please."

"Are you sure this is Carla's number?" he ignored my request. Daisy nodded and stood on her toes.

"I'm 100% positive! We haven't been friends for all these years for nothing!" I'm tempted to comment on that but I know better. To stop my irritation, I tried to ask again with more urgency in my tone.

Road to RecognitionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant