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It's been a week since I last heard from Zen-chan. If he wasn't angry at me for Aki-chan, then he definitely is now that I blew our cover. I wouldn't be surprised if I never hear from him again.

The only problem is that I do need to hear from him or else Daisy will kill me slowly for the rest of the year. The way she does it doesn't conceal what Zen-chan had warned me before of people being double-faced.

Day one, my music goes missing. No matter where I searched, I could not find it. Getting copies are supposed to be out of the question because the director gets ticked off about losing music sheets. Except since I don't have the same advanced music as the rest, I had no choice but to ashamedly ask for a fresh copy. I got my scolding for being irresponsible. As soon as band is over, Daisy 'accidentally' bumps into me and drops my missing music in front of me to be stepped on.

Day two, Spades-sensei calls me outside the classroom to talk to me about a paper drawing she found lying under my desk with my, I quote, "neat handwriting and curses." It was a terrible drawing of Spades-sensei as a monster and English and Japanese curses written around it. Of course, me being the only Japanese student, it couldn't have been anyone other than me.

Day three, my history homework goes missing. It's a major grade we had to turn in to a substitute we've never had before because Shephard-sensei is out sick again. Seeing as this teacher has no idea what type of student I am, she got me in trouble for not doing my work like I should've done even though I finished that assignment the night it was assigned.

Basically, my week was shitty. All thanks to a childish honor student named Daisy.

I've sent so many text messages to Zen-chan via phone but he only leaves me on read. Sometimes he doesn't even open my messages. I get that it's my fault Daisy is tormenting us, but Zen-chan is being childish, too. It's not my place to tell Daisy or Jared that Zen-chan is transgender. Zen-chan talks so much about facing obstacles when in reality he runs away from them.

"So, has Carla picked up?" that annoyingly persistent voice cut me from my thoughts. I can't even go home without her bugging me about Zen-chan. Here I am, sitting in the shade, waiting for Zen-chan's parents to pick me up, yet here she is. If I don't give her the answer she wants, she'll do something again tomorrow.

How can I give her the answer she wants when I can't get the answer I need?

"Hi-de-ki," Daisy sounded out. I closed my eyes with a glare. What should I tell her?

"I'll give Zen-chan another call, but please stop harassing me if they don't pick up," I gave in to her pestering. Daisy leaned back with her lips in a thin line. She didn't say anything more as I pulled up Zen-chan's contact information. I hit call and low and behold, no answer. I pulled my phone away to allow Daisy to hear me being sent to voicemail.

Daisy frowned. "Carla must've gotten a message from you saying not to answer."

"I was automatically sent to the voicemail," I seethed. Daisy did not seem convinced.

"You just don't want us to talk--"

My ringing phone interrupted Daisy. We both looked at it in surprise. When I saw the caller ID, I became even more surprised, relieved, and frustrated. I picked up almost immediately. "Zen-chan--!"

"Sorry, I forgot to take my phone off of 'Do Not Disturb' mode," Zen-chan said sheepishly. The words got caught in my throat. He's finally answered and that's the first thing he says? "Is this on speaker?"

"Wha-- oh! No."

"Put it on speaker, please," Zen-chan said sweetly and I heard shuffling on his end of the call. Confused, I did as asked. Daisy instantly lit up when she saw me bring down my phone. "Hey, Daisy."

Road to Recognitionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें