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Zen-chan's saddened face is embedded in my brain now.

As soon as the school day ended, I rushed to be amongst the first to leave so I could talk to Zen-chan. I had in mind to talk more about his 'crush' and what happened between them today, but what I saw on the other side of the computer was not something I had anticipated.

"How was school, Zen-chan?" I started as usual. He sighed before returning a smile.

"It was okay, I guess. Had cleanup duty today with Yui."

"Ah, Yui-chan," I repeated shaking my head. "She is quiet, isn't she?"

"Yeah," Zen-chan said quietly. I raised a brow.

"Did something happen with her?"

"Hmm, oh," he nodded slowly. "Yeah, yesterday morning some creep touched her at the station. They never caught the guy though."

My eyes widened. "Yui-chan was molested?!"

"And her friends were very careful with her, even forgetting I had cleanup duty with her and attacking me for going the same direction as her once school is over."

I nodded while the events processed in my head. Poor Yui-chan. I wonder what Aki-chan said about it. "What did--"

"How was school for you, Hide?" Zen-chan cut me off unintentionally. I let it go and answered excitedly.

"I had already expected another day of bad-mouthing but then Daisy-chan shut up a group of people talking about you!" I exclaimed. Zen-chan nodded with a small smile.

"As expected of her. She's always looked out for me since we met in middle school."

"You've been friends for that long," I said in awe. Zen-chan, however, hesitated.

"Well, I've only shown her the side everyone else sees. If you ask her what my favorite color is, she'll more than likely not be able to tell you."

I cocked my head to the side. "But, you've been friends for five-- no, six-- years!"

"Seven actually," Zen-chan corrected. "Middle school starts in sixth grade unlike here."

I shook my head. "Even so! Sato-chan and I have only been friends for two years and I can already list out everything I know about him!"

"Because Sato isn't double-faced like Daisy." 'Everyone here is double-faced.' The words echoed once again. I sighed. I need to remember everything Zen-chan has told me. "I have one special person who can answer that question though."

"Who is it?" I asked urgently. Anyone at all who knows Zen-chan's darkest secrets I must meet.

Instead of a proper answer, Zen-chan's lips curled into a wicked grin. "All I will say is that I call her Cherry~"

"Zen-chan," I whined. He made the gesture of sealing his lips and locking them as if we are kids. He's a few months older than me yet he still does things like that. Wait, we're almost the same age but I still call people -chan...

"You made me look for 'Aki-chan' in the beginning so now look for the girl who responds to 'Cherry'." I leaned back in my chair.

"You're so mean, Zen-chan!" The mention of my dear friends' name suddenly made me remember what I wanted to talk about. "Zen-chan!"

He looked startled at my outburst and answered with fake hesitation. "Y-yes?"

I leaned on my hands and gave him a cheeky grin. "So, you and Aki-chan?"

I had meant it as a playful joke to see him become embarrassed or angrily flustered. However, neither of the two outcomes is what I received. Instead, Zen-chan's smile slowly fell into a solemn smile and he looked to the side of the webcam. He is still facing me, just not with his eyes. I grew worried. "Zen-chan?"

"Kirishima and I are great friends," he began. "And I really cherish the bond we have."

"..." I remained silent. I don't want to interrupt Zen-chan's train of thought since it seems like this is something anyone would want to think long and hard.

"So, to keep this bond," he continued, "I want to forget I ever mentioned anything about my feelings towards him. Anything linking to more than friends... You get what I mean?"

I've always thought that a sad person would have a frown and tears in their eyes. Now I realize that that isn't always the case.

"I do," I answered quietly. Zen-chan smiled a bit more before picking up his phone.

"It's about time I head to school. I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said. I nodded. "Hey, don't think this is your fault. It's just something that I feel is necessary."

"Yes, I understand," I replied. I offered a smile as well to let Zen-chan know I'm not upset. "Good morning, Zen-chan."

"Goodnight, Hide." The sound of the call ending is the last thing I wanted to hear. Especially now. I leaned back in my chair again and groaned loudly. This is about yesterday. Why did I call Aki-chan? I should know by now how Zen-chan is. Not all the rumors floating around the school are false.

My phone started buzzing on the desk. I planned on ignoring it so I could lament more on my mistakes until the Barbie girl song started playing. Aki-chan.

"Aki-chan?" I answered surprised. I was so surprised I nearly toppled over in my seat just to pick up the phone. A light chuckle on the other side almost made me hang up. I kept in my impatience to see what he wants at this time.

"Ohayo, Hide-kun."

"It's the evening for me, Aki-chan."

"Sorry, I know."

"What did you need, Aki-chan?"

"Someone sounds irritated."

"I was busy before you called, sorry," I laughed nervously. "Now, what is it?"

"Do you happen to know where my English notebook is?" I facepalmed. He's calling me from the other side of the globe for this?

"No, Aki-chan. I'm not there to help you anymore." Seriously, this guy!

"I lost it a few weeks ago and never bothered to find it but we're going to have a test today," Aki-chan answered honestly.

"Geez," I snickered. "This is why you never pass English!"

"Man." He started to ponder his options I guess. I'm not there to help him out like I always do so he either does this on his own (which he will likely fail) or he asks someone else (which he will likely not do).

"You're on your own, Aki-chan." I can feel him nod in agreement.

"Yeah. Sorry to bug you, Hide-kun."

"Don't worry about it. Good luck!" I hung up as soon as I said that. I don't want him to interrogate me about the things I was 'busy' with. He knows me too well.

That said, I crossed my arms on the desk and laid my head on them. I'm too tired to do anything else right now. At least not while Zen-chan is suffering because of me.

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