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Daisy and I never reconciled, but at least she doesn't ignore me anymore. When we needed to work together for a school project or band, she's there. Afterward, we are strangers. She never could get over the fact that I am no longer the Carla she grew up with.

I didn't meet anyone else gay, bi, trans or whatever. I was largely talked about, but no one else came out after me. Not as far as I know at least.

I would have stayed for my own graduation ceremony if it wasn't for an entrance exam I would be allowed to take this late in May for my school of choice in Shibuya. I talked with the administration to congratulate me and award me my high school diploma a few days early so I could get to Japan with time.

True to my word, I packed my things and left my parents' house once I received my diploma and officially got called a high school graduate. Since I know I might not get into the university, I rented a storage room to store all of my things. The things I will need for the meantime I have packed ready to fly over.

Saying goodbye to Cherry was the hardest thing of all. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. It isn't easy to let go of what you held closest for so long.

"You better email me every day, Zen," Cherry made sure to remind me sternly.

"I'll do my best."

Giving her the tightest hug I've ever given, I held back tears. We're adults. We can't hang on to childish dreams and memories over our future. No matter how much we want them to happen all over.

"Ganbate," I whispered.

"Do your best in Japan for me," she replied. "My dear friend, Zen."

She really is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The first person to recognize me as who I am.

I may have lost some people who I considered good friends. Having their backs turned to me did hurt, but not too much. Sure, I lost so many people, including my parents, but what I have left is better than them. I have people who actually care about me for me, not for who I was.

Cherry has been there since day one. She was the first person I came out to a few years ago. I figured that if I lost her to ignorant views, the world couldn't get much harsher than her rejection. That's why I was surprised yet relieved when she accepted me.

Hide immediately accepted me when I came out to him a few weeks after getting in contact with him. I figured it wouldn't matter if he was disgusted by me for being transgender, yet he understood my position completely despite not knowing anything about gender dysphoria. Hearing his acceptance helped me open up more.

Retsu. The one person I never would have associated myself with had it not been for Kirishima. I know Retsu knows about me. She was the one to point out how the rumor is true to me instead of the class. After giving her my answer, she respected me.

And Kirishima... The final person to give me strength after accepting me to like him. Respecting me as his boyfriend. Recognizing me as another male.

I can't say I see a bright future for me. There will be my challenges as a transman in Japan if I don't get the legal work done here soon. Even so, certain people won't acknowledge me and I am prepared for that. It's a part of life after all.

Will my relationship with Kirishima last? Who knows. For now, I can safely say it will last for a good while. I smiled as I brought out the pen Kirishima gave me. He wouldn't have given me this otherwise.

All I can say is that whatever happens, transphobia-wise or other issues, I am ready to face it. I wouldn't be Zenjiro Reyes if I wasn't ready.

This is where I start my journey on the road of opportunity.

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