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"It's no bother to take you to school," Mr. Aoki said for the millionth time since I woke up. I smile faintly while finishing my cereal.

"It's okay. Kirishima will be there with me," I repeated for the millionth time as well. I finished eating and washed my bowl, going to my temporary bedroom to get the last of my things. Taking a look at my laptop I sighed. Last night I couldn't answer Hide's calls because Mrs. Aoki was talking to me about my well-being. I had already had that talk with her and Mr. Aoki when they picked me up from school but I didn't have the heart to kick her out just to answer a call from my dear friend Cherry. That's why I addressed Hide as Cherry when I sent out that message last night.

And even though I understand why he would keep calling me, I was disappointed when he didn't respond to my text. Then again, he must have run out of time since he had school to go to.

"I don't want you to think that we're a bother, but we're really worried about you," Mrs. Aoki said at last. Both she and Mr. Aoki had worried expressions on their faces as if I am their legitimate child. I looked at my feet.

"Don't be. I'm okay now so long as that guy is kept behind bars while I'm here," I said. Both nodded and looked at their watches.

"We're going to leave now. If you change your mind holler out!" Mr. Aoki said in a semi-joking tone. Mrs. Aoki hit him on the head.

"Give us a call if you feel unsafe at any moment," she said with a smile. I nodded and waved them off. I gave them a reassuring smile as they turned back at the driveway and they were off. My smile fell as I started to close the door behind me. I have to wait for another half-hour for Kirishima.

I suddenly stopped the door and thought my options again. It's either I wait in complete silence inside, or I can wait for Kirishima with the morning breeze on the front steps. The second option seems more appealing to me...

And that is exactly what I did. I gathered my bag and phones, locked up the house, and sat on the top step. It's a nice day outside today. Not too hot and not too cold with the perfect breeze to calm the soul.

To pass the time I played the same game I usually play. I finally beat the level I was having so much difficulty with last night. It took me until three a.m. to beat but it was better than sitting in silence for hours until sleep kicked in.

Having been on alert since yesterday, I noticed Kirishima walking into the garden from the moment he stepped foot in. I lifted my head to smile at the startled male.

"Zenjiro-san!" he gasped. "What are you doing out here?"

"Enjoying the fresh air!" I replied cheerfully standing up. "Let's go?"

Kirishima nodded slowly without looking into my eyes. "Let's go."

Thankfully nothing eventful occurred on the way to school. We didn't talk again which disappointed me, but at least he hasn't said anything about the last few days' events. I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face if he brought them up.

I couldn't see Retsu's group at first, but I later found out they had already arrived at the school. They must have taken an earlier train to avoid creeps.

We changed into our indoor shoes and the walk to the classroom is still quiet. Me still being the socially awkward person that I am couldn't think of anything to talk about between the two of us. Everything was thrown out the window thanks to me.

Kirishima is the one who slid open the classroom door. The loud chatter we had heard came to an abrupt stop as soon as we walked in. Everyone turned to stare at me.

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