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Days in the office were so boring. I was an assistant at a security firm called Shield. I was the most elite assistant because I was the assistant for the CEO. I have higher ambitions than just being an assistant but for the moment the pay was good and it was paying me through law school.
I was sat at my desk when my boss Mr Reigns walked past. He stopped as he got to the door and turned to me.
"Miss Williams can I see you in my office in 10 minutes please?" He inquired.
"Of course," I smiled, "I'll just go make your coffee."
He gave me a nod of approval. I wonder what he wanted to see me for. He never really wanted to see me in his office. We usually ran through papers etc at my desk. I went to the staff room and got Mr Reigns' black Americano with 1 sweetener. How he had it every morning. I returned to his office and knocked on the door.
"Come in," he bellowed. I entered the room and he was sat in his chair with papers in his hand. I placed his coffee on the desk and took a few steps back and waited to be addressed.
"Miss Williams, please take a seat." He said whilst gesturing to the seat on the opposite side of his desk. I obliged and sat down and crossed my legs.  "I believe it's coming up to your 1 year anniversary with us Miss Williams."
"Y-yes Mr Reigns." I replied nervously, what was he getting at. I pray to god he doesn't fire me.
"Now I have to say your the best assistant I've ever had. So punctual, always doing your best. Not to mention easy on the eye." He was definitely going to fire me. Why else would he say all these things, oh god I'm going to get kicked out of school and everything. I sat nervously, looking down into my lap twiddling with my fingers.
Mr Reigns stood up and walked towards the door, he bolted it locked. He stood in front of me and leaned casually against the desk.
"I want to give you a promotion," he smiled. I looked up in surprise.
"Promotion to what?.." I questioned, I mean the next step for me would to be a security guard and with my petite frame I just don't think that was a good idea for me.
"Now I need you to be open minded, can you do that?" He smirked. This was strange. "As you know I've been divorced for 6 months. And there's just something missing in my life. Something you can give me." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"I'm not exactly sure what you're asking Mr Reigns." I said confused.
He paused for a moment.
"I don't really know how to say this so I'll get to the point. I want you to fuck me. Day or night I want you to be there when I need it." I gasped and stared at him not quite sure what to say. "In return, I'll pay off your school fees."
"I-I'm not quite sure what to think of this, so your saying you want me to be your prostitute? Isn't that illegal?" I questioned nervously, I'd never ever questioned my boss but what he was asking seemed crazy. But on the other hand it was awfully tempting. I mean I always thought Mr Reigns was incredibly attractive and I do spend all my pay check on school fees and rent. It would be nice to save some money for once.
"I mean when you put it like that it does seem like an awful thing," he replied, "but think about it, I get pleasure, you get pleasure and you don't have to worry about trying to pay for school anymore. Obviously there would be other benefits too, why don't you think about it? I'll draw up a contract by the end of the day and you can decide then whether to sign it. Either way your current job is safe Miss Williams."
He gestured for me to stand and showed me to the door, unbolting it so I could leave.
"Mr Rollins and Mr Ambrose will be here for our weekly meeting soon so just send them right on in," he smiled whilst closing the door behind him.

Two familiar voices came bellowing round the corner.
"Hey Chelly, how you doing?" Seth asked pulling me into a hug. I hated it when he called me that.
"Hi guys, good to see you both." I smiled whilst next hugging Dean.
"You okay Chelsie? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Dean asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine just a tad warm in here." I smiled, "Mr Reigns is ready to see you both."
They both nodded and dean head into the office. Seth hung back.
"Soo.. erm... when am I going to get that date?" He asked nervously.
I sighed "Seth you know I've told you a thousand times I don't mix business with pleasure and I definitely don't have time for any kind of relationship right now. Between work and school I'm all stretched out. I'm sorry."
"You know I'm just going to keep trying," he smiled, "see ya later chelly." He replied as he head into the office and shut the door behind him.

I didn't get much work done throughout the rest of the morning, I couldn't stop thinking about Mr Reigns' proposal about what it would mean for me.
He emerged from his office.
"Here I drew up a copy for you to read," he said placing some papers on my desk, "make sure no one sees this.." I nodded in agreement. "Also Miss Williams I'm going to have to have a working lunch today, I have a few calls to make, could you please go and get me a sandwich?"
"Of course Mr Reigns, any preference?" I asked.
"You know what I like Miss Williams." He smiled whilst returning to his office.
I quickly shoved the contract into my bag and made my way out of the office to grab Mr Reigns and myself some lunch.

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