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Romans POV

I didn't hear from Chelsie last night. I guess she was really stuck into her paper. I looked forward to seeing her at work today.

When I reached work she wasn't there which was unusual for Chelsie. She was always early. I tried to ring her and she didn't answer. So I decided to call Seth's assistant and get him to come to my office.
There was a knock on my door.
"Come in," I shouted.
"Hey where's Chelsie?" Seth said pointing out the door.
"That was something I was hoping you'd know..." I replied.
"What do you mean?" Seth enquired.
"She left my house yesterday morning and I have t heard from her since," I said.
"Oh, she was at your house?" Seth asked quietly. I nodded. "Well I haven't spoken to her since Friday before her scan. How was it by the way?" He continued.
"It was great we're having a little boy," I smiled. "I'm just worried about where she is." I finished.
"Well how about we pop round to hers and see if she's there?" Seth suggested.
"Good idea," I replied.

We got in my car and instructed the driver to take us to Chelsie's house.
"Alfred did you drop Chelsie here yesterday?" I asked.
"Yes, right outside sir." Alfred the driver replied.
We arrived and me Seth got out the car and went and knocked on the door. No answer.
"I have a key in case of emergencies, do you think I should use it?" I asked Seth.
"I mean if this isn't an emergency what is??" Seth was getting anxious now.
I used the key and opened the door. Her apartment was empty. There was no signs of life. We looked around. Her bed hadn't been slept in.
"The bag and shoes she had yesterday aren't here." I exclaimed. "Please try calling her again."
Seth got out his phone and we both called frantically. To no avail. This was so uncharacteristic for Chelsie.
"What are we going to do?" Seth asked.
"We're going to have to report her missing." I sighed.

Chelsie's POV

I woke up and it was dark I couldn't see a thing. I was blindfolded.
"Hello?.." I whispered terrified for my life. I heard lots of whispering around me.
"Why have you done this?" "Do you know who you're dealing with going up against Roman?"
No one was speaking to me.
"Hello... please don't hurt me." I said louder this time.
"The girl is awake. Do not remove the blindfold, I need to figure out how we're going to fix this mess." The dark husky voice said.
"Where am I?" I asked, hoping for a reply this time.
"Shut up," a man said as he slapped me harshly across the face.
I began to cry, I didn't know where I was, or who I was with and right now I just wanted Roman.
"You will only speak when you are spoken too." The unfamiliar voice said.
I nodded. I just wanted to get out of here safe and alive.

Romans POV

Me and Seth made our way back to the office. We called ahead and got our best private investigators and agents ready for a meeting. I needed my best people out looking for her.
When we got there we burst into the meeting room.
"Right listen up. Chelsie is missing, and it's your task to find her. Each and everyone of you." I announced.
"With all due respect Mr Reigns, but why do you care if Chelsie is missing? She's just an assistant. Probably had enough of working for you." Alex said.
"Well I suppose you're all going to know soon. Chelsie is pregnant with my son." I said.
I looked around the room as everyone's faces dropped.
"I want you all out day and night trying to find where she is. I won't stop until I know who's taken her. I will pay whatever it costs. I must find her." I shouted.
"Well Mr Reigns, the first question to ask would be do you have any people that would want to hurt you like this?" Dean asked.
"I have plenty." I sighed. "You're the best men I have. I'm putting my faith in you. Please don't let me down. This is the most important case of your careers."
We discussed further about when I last saw Chelsie. How she was. What we talked about. It upset Seth to know what we were discussing that night. But it didn't matter right now. All that mattered was getting her back and finding her, wherever she may be.

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