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Chelsie's POV

It has been so long since I'd been here. I lost track after day 17. There's no windows so I don't know whether it's day or night.
The guy who I think is called Michael was mad at the guy Johnny who took me and he didn't know what to do so he just kept me here. I spend my days getting beaten. Michaels wife Lisa helps me out, she dresses my wounds and makes me eat and drink. I'm sure I'm going to die here, and I'm pretty sure my baby already has.. I had a massive bleed at around day 6 after they beat me so hard. I begged for them to stop but they didn't listen. They said Roman must pay. I don't know what he did but I was definitely paying the price for it.

Romans POV

It's been 34 days since I've seen her. All my men had been out looking but to no avail. I was starting to lose hope that I'd ever see her again, or my baby.
"Roman, the men are giving up." Seth said sorrowfully as he entered the room.
"I don't blame them," I replied. "One whole month and nothing." The office phone began to ring so I answered it.
"Hello..... of course....if you've hurt her I swear to god.... 10million... by midday?... I need a little longer to get it, the banks going to have questions..... fine 1pm at Central Park.... please bring her... I'll do anything." I put the phone down and instantly burst into tears.
"What on earth was that?" Seth came running to my side.
"They have her, they want 10millions dollars by 1pm or they're going to kill her!" I cried.
"They can't do that," Seth shouted whilst slamming the table. "What are we going to do?"
Me and Seth spent over an hour trying to think of a plan. I had to know who was doing this to Chelsie. And why.

Chelsie's POV

I heard Michael and Johnny talking about an 'exchange'. Did this mean I was getting to go home? That I was finally getting out?
"Lisa," I whispered. "What's going on?"
"Johnny has been bargaining with Roman," she replied. "He wants 10 million dollars, in exchange for you..."
10million dollars? No way I'm getting out, I'm not worth that much to Roman. All my hope was lost.

It's been what I thought was a few hours now since Lisa told me about their plan. Johnny and Michael came in. Johnny grabbed my arms and put them behind my back and started tying them together.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Shut up," Johnny shouted as he struck me across the back of the head.
I decided not to ask anything else. I was then blindfolded. I was lifted up, and forced to walk. I felt rough hands on my arms guiding me to walk.
I felt the breeze hit my face. We were outside. It was so nice to finally feel air on my face. I took a deep breath before I was thrown into the back of a vehicle.
We drove for a while, what felt like forever. I eventually felt the vehicle come to a stop.
I heard the doors open.
"Right listen carefully, we're going to untie you and take off your blind fold. Don't run and don't scream... or you'll never see Roman again. Nod yes if you understand." I'm sure it was Johnny saying this. I nodded in agreement. I just wanted this to be over.
He removed my blindfold and my ties around my wrist.
"Stay next to me at all times." Johnny said sternly. I nodded. I'd learnt not to say anything unless I wanted a beating.
We were at Central Park. I walked closely in front of Johnny, he had a gun so I wasn't going to try anything stupid. Michael walked a fair bit in front of us. I didn't know what was going on, but I hoped it meant this was all coming to an end soon.
"Sit there," Johnny said whilst gesturing towards a bench. I sat down and he sat so closely to me. He then put his gun against my side under his jacket.
"Make one move and I'll shoot you. Do you understand? Do everything I tell you." He said. I nodded again.
We sat there for a while. I didn't say a word, I didn't move a muscle. Then... then I saw him. Roman was here, I could see him across the park. He dropped something inside a bin and walked away. Oh god I wish I could hug him right now. After Roman walked away I saw Michael go up to the bin and take out what he had left there.
Then Johnny's phone rang.
"Fine.." was the only thing I heard him say. Then he stood up.
"Lovely doing business with you, now don't do anything stupid because you can still die. Your man is over by the fountain. Maybe next time you'll think about choosing your guys better." Johnny laughed as he walked away. I waited til he was far enough away that I could hardly see him before I got up and rushed to the fountain.
I looked up and there he was. I ran towards him crying out his name "Roman" I sobbed. He looked towards me and cried too. I reached him and collapsed in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't believe I actually saw him again.
"It's okay baby I've got you, they won't get away." Roman whispered to me.

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