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A few months had passed and the arrangement was going fine and no one had any idea about it.
Mr Reigns never mentioned about the night he turned up at my apartment drunk and stayed over. I guess we were pretending it never happened.
It was another gruelling day at work. Luckily I was on summer break so I didn't have to worry about school work and I could actually enjoy myself. Well that's when Mr Reigns didn't turn up at my apartment wanting his pleasure. He would turn up every other day and on top of our daily 'meetings' it was becoming more of a boring chore than the height of pleasure. I legit had no time for my friends or myself for that matter.

"Miss Williams, my office now please." Mr Reigns said sternly passing my desk and interrupting my day dreams. I wonder what he wanted he seemed pissed. I got up promptly and followed him into his office. "Please sit Miss Williams."
I sat down and waited nervously for what Mr Reigns had to say.
"I need you to come on a sort of business trip with me," he said, "next week."
"But Mr Reigns you never go on business trips, you always say there's no need too." I replied.
"Okay, it's not a business trip, I'm going home to visit my mother, and after nearly two years being on my own and 1 year since the divorce finalised she wants to 'set me up' with someone. But I just don't want it, so I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend." He explained. I looked at him unsure of what to think. I mean yes we had a lot of sex, but I couldn't pretend to have actual feelings for him. "Please I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate. My mother is a very demanding woman."
"I-i don't know Mr Reigns" I sighed, "it seems a little too far stretched for us to pretend to be together."
"It includes an all inclusive paid trip to Hawaii, I'll even hire a private villa." He begged. I'd never seen Mr Reigns like this before he was desperate.
"Okay, I suppose it's worth a try." I smiled.
"Thankyou soo much." He replied gratefully. "Now here's my credit card, go and get yourself some appropriate attire for a trip to Hawaii, and meeting my mother. You have high standards to live up to." He laughed.
I took the card gratefully. I wasn't allowed to decline his offers to pay for my things it was part of my contract and he got really annoyed if I did. He even demanded to see the receipt so that he know he paid for it all.

A week later

The time had come for me to fly to Hawaii with Mr Reigns. It was going to be difficult to pull off. I had to call him Roman in front of his family. I had to hold his hand and act like I loved him. We were keeping one thing the same, we were going to tell his mother that we met at work and I am his assistant, but we were so wildly attracted to each other that things just progressed.
We'd arrived at the villa(photos attached) it was beautiful unlike anything I'd ever seen.
"We have a dinner reservation at 6, my mother will be there so dress to impress." He smiled.
I unpacked my case and carefully chose an outfit, I wanted to impress his mother to get her off his case but I didn't want to feel to uncomfortable.

I unpacked my case and carefully chose an outfit, I wanted to impress his mother to get her off his case but I didn't want to feel to uncomfortable

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I chose a jungle themed play suit, and a few delicate bits of jewellery and paired it with some wedges.

"What do you think Mr Reigns?" I said whilst doing a twirl for him.
"Perfect," he smiled, "Oh Chelsie, please call me Roman. Should make it easier for when we see my mother." He chuckled.
"Yes Roman," I smiled. "We better get going we'll be late. Are you ready for this?" I laughed.
"Ready as I'll ever be! Let's go." He ushered me out of the door and into a car and we made our way to the restaurant. We got there and Mr Reigns began greeting all his family. There was an awful lot of them, in fact I'm pretty sure the whole restaurant was hired out just for this occasion.
Roman approached me with an older lady who I could only assume was his mother.
"Mother this is Chelsie, Chelsie this is my mother, Patricia." He introduced us.
"Welcome, welcome," she said embracing me into a giant hug. "I have heard many things about you, he doesn't shut up about you!" She smiled.
"You too!" I replied. How could she know many things, and Mr Reigns doesn't shut up about me? How odd considering this plan was hatched a week ago.
"Come, come, I want to get to know you, without prying eyes." Her eyes darted at Mr Reigns. She grabbed my arm and pulled me along, Mr Reigns shrugged his shoulders and I laughed.
"Sooo how long have you two been together?" She quizzed.
"Well we met when he hired me as his assistant, around 2 years ago, but we didn't start anything til 8 months ago. He was very hurt from the divorce." I replied.
"I never liked that girl," she scoffed "no ambition, she just lived off his success. What do you do Chelsie?"
"I took the job with Mr-uh-Roman, sorry I still have to call him Mr Reigns in the office or it borders on unprofessional!" I laughed, "I took the job with Roman to pay for my law school tuition fees, I'm now going into my final year. So I'll be looking for a job elsewhere." I smiled.
"How unfortunate that he'll have to look for another assistant! He always said you were brilliant." She smiled.
I chatted with Patricia for a while longer, of course she told all the embarrassing stories of when Mr Reigns was younger, it was nice to know that there was once a different side to him. His family were so lovely and welcoming and even Mr Reigns let his hair down for the night.

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