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Seth's POV
I helped Chelsie into the bath before going into the lounge to find a horrified Roman.
"You alright?" I asked him.
"No... is she really pregnant?" Mr Reigns asked.
"Yep 10 weeks or so," I replied.
He remained silent for a while, I guess he was shocked.
"What do I do Seth?" Roman asked desperately.
"Well what you should have done is leave that poor girl alone, but I guess it's too late for that now. You just need to allow her to make her own decisions and be there for whatever she decides. You know how much school means to her. That's the only reason she did what she did." I said sternly.
"I guess you're right, I guess I need to give her some space to think about what she's going to do. I'll be devastated if she gets rid of our baby, especially as all I've ever wanted is a child of my own to love." He smiled slightly at the thought. "Get her to call me when she's ready please." Roman added.
"Will do, I'm just trying to be there in any way she wants me too right now," I said.
Roman left and I sat down on the sofa waiting for Chelsie to call me for help out of the bath.

She eventually did and I went to go get her, her body was so frail and week from all the sickness. I just wanted to help her, but there was nothing I could do.

Chelsie's POV

Me and Seth were just chilling on the sofa watching Netflix. I shivered as I was so cold.
"Hey you cold?" Seth asked me.
"Yeah just a little," I replied.
"Here," Seth said getting a blanket and cuddling up to me. I lay my head on his chest.
"Seth," I whispered.
"Thankyou for being here, I know any normal man would have run a mile when they found out about the baby. I'm also sorry I knocked you back all those times, it's just I was so focused on school and now look where that's got me." I sighed.
He looked me in the eyes.
"None of this is your fault. Things happen and our path in life changes. There's not much we can do but deal with the cards we're handed." He smiled.
We continued to look each other in the eyes, it was intense and I wanted to kiss him. It just all felt so natural with Seth but I still didn't know how I felt about Mr Reigns. I felt Seth's warm lips press against mine. I kissed him back. It felt like something had ignited inside me. Oh when did things get so damn complicated? Our lips drew apart and I looked at him a little longer before setting my head back down on his chest and drifting slowly off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in bed, Seth must have carried me there. I really need to get my head straight and decide what I'm doing with this baby before I decided anything else about my life. Seth was a lovely, decent human being, but did he really deserve to be put through this?
I was feeling a little better today, so I decided to go to work and try and catch up on a few things.
I arrived at work and bumped into Dean.
"Hey Chelsie!" He said embracing me into a hug, "you feeling better? Seth said he'd been looking after you," he winked.
"Yeah I am little, and Seth's been great," i smiled.
"Glad to hear it and great to see you back, Roman has been going crazy without you!" He chuckled.
"Thanks Dean," i smiled before I carried on my journey upstairs.
I reached the top floor of the building and walked round the corner to my desk. Only to see another woman sat in my seat.
"Um excuse me, who are you?" I asked confused.
"Hi I'm Hannah, Mr Reigns' new assistant, how can I help?" She smiled at me. His new assistant? He replaced me?
"There must be some mistake, I'm Mr Reigns' assistant." I replied sternly.
"Oh well Mr Reigns' said..." she started but I cut her off before she could finish.
"Don't worry what Mr reigns' said, I'll find out myself." I said before storming towards his office.
"Uh wait.. he's... in a meeting!" I heard his new assistant shout behind me. I didn't care, how dare he just give my job away. I slammed the door open. To be greeted by what felt like 70 pairs of eyes looking at me.
"Mr Reigns a word please." I demanded.
"Uh.. Miss Williams.. now is not a good time." Mr reigns replied.
"Now is a great time." I said, not giving him much other choice.
He nodded and followed me outside his office.
"You gave my job away?!" I shouted.
"I'm not sure what you expected me to do, there's jobs round here that need doing and I didn't know when you were going to be up to them." Mr Reigns replied calmly.
"I expect you to give me some sort of warning, I was off for two weeks! You could have had someone else's assistant stand in!" I was boiling over by this point. He's the reason I'm in this position and he decided to just give my job away to some stupid slut.
"You two argue like a married couple," Hannah giggled in the background. That nearly made me totally lose it.
Mr reigns held me back.
"Get her out of my office now," I demanded. Mr Reigns looked at me and knew he wouldn't have much other choice but to get rid of her.
"Hannah, you're fired. Miss Williams we will talk about this later." He said calmly before returning to his office.

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