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I took a seat at my desk. Maybe I over reacted a little. I mean I know he has things that need doing. But he should have spoken to me first about a temporary replacement. Not just give my job away.
Mr Reigns' office door opened and all the people he was having a meeting with filed out one by one.
"Miss Williams, my office now." Mr Reigns said sternly as everyone eyeballed me for interrupting they're meeting.
I stood up and followed Mr Reigns into his office and shut the door behind myself.
"You get me pregnant and still feel the need to call me Miss Williams?" I scoffed.
"Well I assumed you wouldn't want anyone else to know about our unprofessional relationship?" Mr Reigns replied.
"So that's all I am to you, is an 'unprofessional relationship'," I replied sarcastically.
He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "you know that's not how i feel about you, and I've made that perfectly clear. Why are you being so difficult?" Mr Reigns looked sad now, like he just didn't understand.
"You think I'm being difficult? I'll tell you what's difficult. You tricking me into some sort of contract, taking me on an amazing vacation to Hawaii to meet your family, coming back ending it, a few weeks later then professing your undying love for me, knocking me up, not even giving me chance to realise how I feel about it and then, then you gave my job away to some slutty looking assistant. I can only imagine what you've been doing with her for the past 2 weeks. We all know how you like an obedient assistant." I was growing angrier by the second, it was like the hormones had taken over and someone else was speaking.
At that point Mr Reigns just came up to me and hugged me, he didn't say a word. He just pulled me into his arms, rested his head on mine, and cuddled me for a little while. It felt kind of good to be back in his arms, not in a sexual way either.
"What are we going to do?" I sobbed into his chest.
"We'll figure it out," he replied kissing my forehead, "we'll figure it out together."
It was at that moment I felt entirely at peace with the situation I was in. It wasn't great, but Mr Reigns had money to help me finish school and he was a truly caring man, maybe I did feel something more for him than I originally thought...but I couldn't forget about everything that Seth had done for me. He'd been so entirely caring and wonderful. He'd been there for me every step of the way. It was lovely having him around, but maybe he wouldn't have been around if I hadn't pushed Mr Reigns away.

I broke the hug and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"I'm going to go and get on with some work Mr Reigns" I sobbed slightly.
"Do you not think we're into first name basis yet?"
Mr Reigns chuckled.
"I suppose so... Roman," I replied leaving the room and taking place at my desk. It felt right to be back here.

*3 days later*

I'd been working my ass off the last few days. I suppose it was a distraction in the Seth and Roman saga. I was finally feeling better and the morning sickness had gone. I had a new burst of energy and it was great. I had my first scan later today and I was going to ask Roman to come with me.

"Hey" I heard Seth's voice coming round the corner.
"Hi" I smiled.
"Haven't seen you in a while, guess you have no need for me now you're not throwing up constantly" Seth chuckled.
"No you know it's not that, I've been keeping busy working." I frowned.
"I know, I know," Seth smirked, "so you have your scan later, need me to come with?"
"I was actually going to ask Roman if he wanted to come," I looked down, "you know, I feel like he should be there."
"I get it, it's cool." Seth shrugged. It so wasn't cool. He was upset I could tell. "I guess I'll see you later." He left before I could say anything else. I hated to upset him. But Roman was the father of the baby not him, Roman deserved to be there.

I went a knocked on Romans office door and entered.
"Hey Chelsie what can I do for you?" Roman smiled. He seemed different, happier.
"I..erm.. I'm going for the first scan later today, I wondered if you wanted to come." I asked shyly.
"I don't know if I can make it, I have some meetings and..." Roman started, and I looked down with sorrow in my eyes. I really wanted him to come.
"You know what, fuck it. I'll move the meetings and I'll be there." Roman smiled.
I smiled back the biggest smile. I was excited to see our baby.

We'd reached the sonographers office and waited our turn. Roman was pacing I could tell he was nervous.
"Please sit down, you're giving me a headache," I chuckled.
"I'm sorry," he said taking a seat next to me.
"Are you nervous?" I asked. He looked at me and before he could reply my name was called.
I stood up and ushered Roman with me. We entered a room with a bed, one lonely chair and lady sat next to the ultrasound machine.
"Hi there, I'm Emily and I'll be doing your ultrasound today. Are you mum and dad?" The lady asked.
"Yes..yes we are." I smiled.
"Fabulous, mum if you could lie down on the bed and dad there's a seat for you next to her." She smiled.
I led on the bed and the cold fabric shocked my body.
"So we're just going to have a look and check baby is happy and healthy, also estimate your due date and depending we may possibly be able to see whether it's a boy or girl." Emily said.
"Great." I smiled.
"If you could lift your top up" she instructed and so I did, "great, cold jelly now and let's have a look."
She put the ultrasound on my belly and went quite as she was typing down measurements of the baby. We could hear the heart beating. I turned to look at Roman who had a tear in his eye. He grabbed my hand and gripped it tightly.
"That's our baby," Roman shed a tear as he said it. "It's our little baby," I smiled.

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