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The week had gone quickly and it was time for The Shield Charity Ball. I loved it, it was always so fun. Different workers would get auctioned off for different tasks. I was shocked that Mr Reigns had asked me to participate this year. He says he thinks I'll raise a lot of money. We always donated to a different charity every year, this year it was the MakeAWish foundation. Such a great cause.

Mr Reigns had given me the day off work to pamper and preen myself to perfection for tonight. First on the list was dress shopping. I had to find the perfect dress. Then there were nails, waxing, hair and make-up. It felt like such a chore making myself beautiful. But I didn't get to do it often so I should enjoy it!

It took me a whole of 6 hours to get ready. 6 hours wasted just like that. My outfit was perfect though.

Mr Reigns had sent several limousines out to collect all the workers from all over town

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Mr Reigns had sent several limousines out to collect all the workers from all over town. I was in a limo with Seth, Dean, Renee and a few other body guards I hadn't really met.

"You look amazing tonight," Seth smiled.
"Thankyou Seth," I giggled.
"So if I ask you again will I get that date yet?" Seth asked with big puppy eyes.
"You'll have to bid for me tonight," I winked.
"You're being auctioned off for a date??" Seth quizzed. I nodded. "Well its a good job I bought my check book because I'll have a lot of competition with how smoking hot you look tonight!" He laughed, "but it will all be worth it."

We'd reached the venue, we entered the room it was grand. It was always decorated so lovely, a waiter showed us too our table. We got to enjoy a five course meal before the auction began, I was excited. I'd never done anything like this before. I hadn't seen Mr Reigns all night, I wonder where he was.
I watched various staff get auctioned off for many different tasks. I waited nervously for my name to called.

"Could Miss Chelsea Williams please come up to the stage?" The auctioneer bellowed.
I slowly made my way up there, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.
I stood in the centre of the stage and looked out, there were so many people out there.
"Here we have the lovely Miss Williams, personal assistant to the CEO Mr Reigns. You will be bidding for a date with this lovely single lady. Can we start the bidding off at, lets say £500? Do we have £500?" The auctioneer asked.

"Here," Seth shouted from the crowd, I smiled.
"Here," Dean joined in, I'm sure he was just doing it to wind Seth up.

The bidding continued between Seth, Dean and few others until we reached £4,500. I couldn't believe I'd raised this much already, just for one date.

"£4,600?" The auctioneer asked.
"Here," Seth shouted excitedly as everyone else started backing out, not willing to pay anymore.
"Going once, going twice..." the auctioneer was interrupted by a loud bellowing voice from the back of the room.
Seth's face dropped. There was no way he could afford to beat that. I looked up to see who the mystery bidder was, it was Mr Reigns.
"£25,000! We have a new bidding record! Anyone care to take it to £26,000?" The auctioneer shouted excitedly, silence fell across the room as they all stared at me. "Sold, for £25,000 to Mr Reigns!"
The whole room gasped as they realised who had made the winning bid for me.
I jumped down off the stage and made a beeline for Mr Reigns, storming past Seth and the others on my table. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into a private room.

"What the hell are you playing at?" I half shouted.
"I don't know what you mean." He replied.
"Are you being serious? If no one had any idea about anything that had happened between us they do now!" I shouted louder this time. "You can't do this, the contract is over. You can't stop me from dating other people!!"
"You're right I can't. But I can stop you from going on a date with someone so desperate." He chuckled.
"Seth has waited for a date from me for over a year, I never had time and then there was our contract so why can't it happen now?!" I was so angry by this point. "You're literally just revealing everything to everyone. Think about what everyone is going to say!"
"I don't care what they say. I'm their boss they do as they're told." He said, he was so calm and collected. I on the other hand was not happy.
"You're so self righteous and not to mention an arrogant pig!" I said, "I couldn't believe you'd jeopardise my reputation like that. Do you not think it's already a bit suspicious that I have a nice new apartment and a nice new car? People will talk."
"I'm sorry I didn't realise it would upset you like this." He said sorrow in his eyes.
"Well it has!" I replied as I took a seat placing my head my hands. "Do you have anything else to say for yourself?"
"Excuse me, who's the boss here?" He said confused. I rolled my eyes at him.
"What do you expect me to be like? You cancelled the contract after asking me to be your fake girlfriend for a week and then you throw out £25,000 just to stop me going on a date with somebody else! I don't get it!" I was almost crying now.
"Look, I guess I was jealous ok. I didn't like the thought of anyone else being with you like that. It made angry." He said.
"What I don't understand?" I replied confused as hell.
"Look after our time away, I...I guess.. I.." he kept stuttering.

"I think I love you."

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