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I sat staring at Mr Reigns. My mouth wouldn't open. Did he just say he loved me? Hundreds of thoughts were whirring round my head but I couldn't get just one of them to come out.
"Please can you say something?" Mr Reigns begged.
"I..I.." i tried to say something but I just couldn't. "I have to go. I'm sorry." I said as I left the room. I went outside and called a taxi, I stood on the steps waiting.
"Well that was an interesting turn of events," I heard as a presence floated besides me. I looked up it was Seth.
"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded yes but really I meant no. I still couldn't really speak.
"What was that about?" He quizzed me.
"It's complicated," I whispered, "what's everyone saying about me?"
"I'm not going to lie to you, people are talking. They're starting to wonder how you acquired your new car." He replied. "Chelsie? Am I chasing  you for no reason?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Are you in a secret relationship with Roman?" He asked.
"I think we should go for coffee, I have a lot to explain." I replied. He nodded and followed me to the taxi, I saw Mr Reigns  come outside and watch as our taxi drove off.

We arrived at my apartment, I decided we should have coffee here as I really wanted to get out of this dress. I made us both drinks and joined Seth on the sofa.
"So what do you need to explain then?" Seth asked me.
"Promise you won't judge me?" I asked.
"Pinky swear." He smiled.
"Well basically, around 7 months ago Mr Reigns came to me with a proposition. He offered me more money, a new car, a new apartment and to pay off my school fees." I started.
"Right... what kind of proposition was it?" He asked unsure wether he wanted an answer.
"I've basically been his human sex toy for the last 7 months. I feel so embarrassed and dirty but I was struggling so bad financially and I couldn't drop out of school." I started rambling until Seth interrupted me.
"Chelsie, when I said I wouldn't judge you I meant it." He smiled.
"Okay, well he had me sign a contract. One of the rules being I could never ever tell anyone so you have to take this to the grave. Either way when we were both off the other week he took me to Hawaii to meet his family and pretend to be his 'girlfriend'" I continued. Seth remained silent and just gave me a sorrowful look. "So that was all good but when we got back he just ended the contract out of no where and hasn't really spoken to me much all week. And then tonight he just shows up and throws £25,000 out like it's nothing to stop me going on a date with you. When I pulled him up about it and told him that it was irresponsible to do that he told me he loved me." I finished and waited for Seth's response.

"I mean wow, you guys did a really good job of keeping it secret. No one would have realised if Roman hadn't have bid for you tonight." He smiled, "look only you know how you feel. If you feel something for Roman you should go for it you have nothing to lose. Just let me know so I know to back off." He chuckled.

We sat in silence for a moment.

"How am I suppose to know how I feel? I was really excited when I thought you were going to win the date, then Mr Reigns throws a spanner in the works." I sighed, "I just don't want to hurt you Seth. I think Mr Reigns is in my head and not in a good way."
"Look, we can't help the way we feel. I appreciate you not wanting to mess with my feelings, it's really sweet." He smiled, "I just can't believe Roman is actually like that, the whole contract thing just seems weird. The divorce seriously messed him up."

"I just can't let guys get in the way of all the hard work I've put into school, that's why I rejected you so many times." I laughed. "Thanks for being really understanding Seth and for letting me bitch."
"That's ok," he smiled.

With that there was a knock at the door.
"I wonder who that is," I said as I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it to reveal Mr Reigns.
"What are you doing here?" I quizzed him, I was still sort of angry.
"I..I was hoping we could talk." Mr Reigns said sorrow in his eyes.
"I have company right now," I said opening the door more to reveal Seth.
"Oh.. ok.. sorry." Mr Reigns said as he turned to leave.
"Roman wait!" Seth shouted, "I'll leave you guys to it." Seth grabbed his things and made his way towards the door, kissing me on the cheek on his way. "Let me know if you need anything," he smiled. With that he left, leaving me alone with Mr Reigns.

"I suppose you better come sit down then." I said quietly. I didn't really know what to say to him or how I felt for that matter. But I suppose I'd better hear what he has to say.
"I know this is probably really confusing for you." He said sitting down. "I know it's a lot."
"Yes it is a lot. And you had to make a massive public display to show how you feel." I sighed.
"I know and I'm sorry for that. I know you're not that type of girl." He replied. "I should never have done that."  
"I don't even know what type of girl I am these days, I used to enjoy the little things and now I have all these flash things. It's just not me and I don't think I can continue this lifestyle."

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