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"I understand." Mr Reigns said. "It's just... that week in Hawaii really put things in perspective for me. My family, my mother especially never ever liked Galina as much as they liked you. I guess it made me realise all the amazing things about you." He smiled.

I blushed. "Look, I'm not saying I feel nothing for you. But I don't think i feel enough for a relationship. You know how important school is to me and I'm going into my last year I can't afford to fail. That's the only reason I really accepted your contract." I replied with my head down.
"It's fine I understand. We'll just continue our professional relationship. Don't worry about moving. I'll continue paying for your apartment until you finish school." He smiled whilst standing up.
"Thankyou Mr Reigns." I smiled back whilst showing him to the door.
I shut the door behind him and let out a huge sigh of relief. I mean I fancied him, he was definitely attractive. But I just didn't fancy him enough.

*1 month later*

I've been so ill for the past week. I haven't even been to work or school for that matter. I just couldn't stop throwing up and after a week it was time to go to the doctor. Seth said he would come with me, which was sweet. We'd actually finally been on a date which was nice.

We'd made it to the doctors and Seth helped me out of the car. We waited for around 10 minutes and I was called in to see the doctor.
"I'll wait here." Seth smiled.

"Hi there Miss Williams. What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.
"I've just been throwing up constantly for a week and can't seem to stop no matter what I try." I replied.
"Ah ok Miss Williams. Would you mind lying down on the bed so I can have a few of your stomach to see if there's any obstruction?" He asked. I nodded and agreed and moved onto the bed. I led down and lifted my top up.
The doctor had a good feel, my stomach was quite tender but that was probably from all the retching.
"Are you able to produce a urine sample for me?" He asked.
"Yes I'm sure I can." He passed me the pot and I went into the bathroom and filled it. I brought it back to the doctor.
"What are you checking for doctor?" I asked.
"Miss Williams it would seem quite obvious that you are pregnant and this test confirms it." He replied.
My mouth dropped.
"It would seem like you could be quite far along maybe 9/10 weeks." He added.
I couldn't speak. Life just has its way of smiting me.
The doctor explained a lot more to me before I left the room but I can't say that I listened.
I walked out of the room and collapsed in Seth's arms balling my eyes out.
"Chelsie what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
I still couldn't speak.
"Let's get you to the car." He said picking me up and carrying me to the car. By the time we got there I'd managed to calm myself a bit.
"What's wrong Chelsie?" He asked again sounding more worried this time.
"I'm... pregnant." I said in between cries. Seth looked at me with wide eyes but couldn't say anything.
"What are you going to do? You have to tell Roman!" He said.
"I can't Seth, I really can't." I replied still crying. "I knew he'd ruin my life.
"Look lets get you home, we can talk about it then." Seth gave me a reassuring smile, making me feel like everything would be ok.
We got back to my flat and I curled up on the sofa whilst Seth made me a cuppa. There was a knock on the door.
Seth went to answer it.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"I don't think she wants to see you right now, Roman." I heard Seth say. Shit, I wasn't ready to see him right now. How could I hide this from him.
"I don't care, I want to see that she's ok!" Roman said bathing past Seth.
"Roman please don't!" Seth shouted.
"Seth it's fine,"I smiled at him.
Mr Reigns came and sat next to me on the sofa.
"You look so ill," Mr Reigns said looking sorrowfully at me.
"Chelsie," Seth said.
"Seth it's fine, will you go run me a bath please?"I asked. He nodded and went to the bathroom.
"Have you been to the doctor?" Mr Reigns asked.
I nodded, playing with the blanket. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. How would he even take it.
"What did the doctor say?" He asked.
"I'm sorry Mr Reigns, but why do you even care?" I asked every so slightly angry.
"Of course I care, I can't turn my feelings off like that. You may be able to and jump to the next man. I just want to make sure that your work and school load aren't causing you stress." He smiled. In that moment I kind of saw him in a different light. A caring one. I don't know whether it was because I was carrying his baby or what, but part of me felt something for him.
"Me and Seth are just friends," I corrected him.
"So what did the doctor say? How long do I need to live without an assistant?" He smiled.
"Mr Reigns..." I started before I was interrupted by Seth.
"You're bath is ready," Seth smiled
"Thanks I'll be there in a second," I reassured Seth, he nodded and went back to the bathroom.
"Well?" Mr Reigns asked.
"I guess you should know," I started as I stood up, "I'm pregnant."

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