Peter parker back story and how meet Mr stark

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Peter Parker was born on the August 27 2002 to Richard and Mary Parker who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, also Richard has a bother called Ben and he is married to a woman called May.
When Peter was 5 has patents died in a plane crash, he was sent to live with his aunt  and uncle in Queens New York they lived in a small apartment. Peter Parker was very smart like has parents he goes to one of the best schools in Queens New York but he was the  on a scholarship because his family was poor but them managed to get buy. When Peter was 14 he got bitten by a radioactive spider on a Field trip to Oscorp, two months later uncle Ben got shot and died in Peter aims and said” "with great power comes great Peter Parker was born on the August 27 2002 to Richard and Mary Parker who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, also Richard has a bother called Ben and he is married to a woman called May.
When Peter was 5 has patents died in a plane crash, he was sent to live with his aunt  and uncle in Queens New York they lived in a small apartment. Peter Parker was very smart like has parents he goes to one of the best schools in Queens New York but he was the  on a scholarship because his family was poor but them managed to get buy. When Peter was 14 he got bitten by a radioactive spider on a Field trip to Oscorp, two months later uncle Ben got shot and died in Peter aims and said” "with great power comes great responsibility” and then he died Peter always blamed himself for uncle Ben and that his motivation to become spider-Man he looks out for the little guy in Queens. It was a normal day at school he walking home and see’s this crazy looking car he walks into is apartment he see the one and only Tony stark the greatest superhero ever in his eyes he look to Tony even before he became Ironman. Tony was sitting on his sofa talking to may and when he asked to have a minute with Peter they go into Peter small bed room and shows him a video of Spiderman asked him if he wants go Germany and Peter says” I can’t go to Germany I have homework” Tony “pretend you didn’t says that.”
When he landed in Germany, happy taken him to a hotel and given him his new upgraded suit. Peter was so happy. When he got to the airport he heard Tony call him Underoos he did a flip and webbed captain America hands to together and took his shield.
In the fight ant Man got really big and Peter came up with a plan to take out ant Man and it worked but Peter got hit and landed to the floor, Mr stark came to make sure he was okay and Tony “ good job kid but your done for the day”
Peter was back a the hotel he recorded the hole fight at the airport he put it on YouTube under the name friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.
Later when Tony go back from the fight with Steve he took Peter home and said to “Peter don't do anything I wouldn't do, or that I would do. There's a little grey spot in between where you need to operate." The car stop at the old apartment building  and Tony opened the car door but Peter thought it was a hug Tony “ it is not a hug just getting the door for you we aren't there yet”

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