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Peter has been feeling down because it was the anniversary of his uncle death coming up he always blamed him self for his death, he keeps reliving that memory of him frozen in fear when a man wearing a mask came up to them with a gun and said “ give me your money I won't kill the child” uncle Ben did not what hesitate on giving the man the money with shaky hands, the masked man pulled up his gun a shot uncle Ben in the stomach, he can hear uncle Ben Hart beat slow down, Peter his covered in uncle Ben red warm blood on his hands from were he tried to keep his uncle alive.
When Peter looks in the mirror he sees his uncle killer why did a not do anything why did a just stand there I am spider man I should have done something he says looking into the mirror as tears fill his eyes, he pull out his iPhone and sends a message
Peter Parker : Mr stark are you busy:
Mr stark : no just in my lab:
Peter Parker : no just wanted to talk:
Mr stark: are you ok shouldn’t you be at school it is 12pm, why you not at school are ok:
Peter Parker: may said I could have the day of:
Mr stark: I am coming over I will be there in hour:
Peter Parker : I am fine no need to come over:
Mr stark : I am coming end of discussion:
Peter Parker: ok see you in a hour, drive safe and thank you tony:
Peter puts his phone away and walks to the old sofa and gets his blue fluffy blanket what he has had since he has a baby only thing he has from his parents. Peter is lying on the sofa thinking about what if he did something the night ben died, maybe it would be better if he died instead of uncle Ben. There's a knock on the door, Peter gets up and wipes the tears in his eyes and walks to the wooden door he thinks to himself what if Ben was alive may would be happy she would not have to work as much. He opens the door and can see Mr stark his mentor, Mr stark” so kid want to tell me why you look so sad” Pete” Mr stark I am ok do you want to come in and watch some TV or we can watch season five of Gotham also I got £20 so we can get some take out” Mr stark walk over to the sofa and pulled out his phone “ Peter i am paying for take out its my treat and you look like you need cheering up so this what we are doing you look you need to talk about something  so we are to talk what is on your mind and then we are getting food then we are watching a movie ok”
Peter was thinking about what to say would Mr stark still come over if he knows he killed his uncle be just standing their when his uncle need Spiderman need saving he is no hero he is just the person who lets his family down when they need him like his mum and dad, uncle Ben.
Tony looks into Peter big brown Bambi eyes he can see tears in his eyes the poor kid looks broken mentally, Tony knows that Peter had a hard life. “ So Peter please just talk to me I want to know what coming on in that head of your” Peter begins to open his mouth but close it.
Peter is thinking about what to say and then he brought out “ I am a killer” tony looks at the kid confused did something happen on patrol, then Peter is full on sobbing , Mr stark” did something happen on patrol last night” Peter “ Mr stark it’s my fault my amazing, kind uncle is dead he got shoot I just stand there I was so scared I am Spider-Man I should have done something his blood is on my hands when I go to bed I can hear him talking his last breath and can smell the blood”
Tony thinks about what is going to say he's not good at emotional stuff he needs to get through that kid to tell the kids he did not kill his uncle bits only the person who shot him “ Peter did you shoot your uncle” Peter “ no” tony “ so it's not your fault the only person you should blame is  the person who pulled the trigger you were still just a kid is it matter if you have powers or not  it is still a scary situation to be in just to let you know you did not call you uncle and stop thinking it you are amazing, genius good-hearted person do you understand what if you did intervene and your aunt will be losing  her nephew and  her husband, Peter please understand it's not your fault it was never your fault your parents uncle it was never at 100% your fault you are a good kid what bad things happen do but you go out there every night and look out for the little guy you're a great person and I hope you can see that”
Peter looks into his mentor eyes “ Mr stark than you so much a didn’t know what to do if anything happened to you and may”
“ Peter I am always with you even one when I am dead I will always looking out for I Will be your guardian angel looking out for you even when I am not here like right now your parents and uncle I'm looking down watching over you”
Peter” so Mr stark less watch Gotham and get some take out and Mr stark you’re the best thing that ever happened to me and thank you for everything could be in here giving me the new suit show me the internship”
Mr stark” it’s fine now get it the box set of Gotham I’ll go order some pizza”

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