ripped from each other's arms

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Just to let you know I did not write this

The cell was no bigger than 6 feet by 6 feet. There was nothing in there except them and it was freezing cold

37 days. Or at least, 37 days if they brought their food in once a day. That was how Tony was keeping track. Every time they brought in their meal, it was dinnertime of a new day and he marked a tally on the wall. And there were 37 marks. 

Tony still had no idea what they were being held for. They never asked for information. They just came and beat them both to hell. Nothing special. Punches and kicks. While one was beat, the other one always had to watch. 

Every time they came in, Tony always pushed Peter into the corner of the cell hoping that they wouldn’t try to hurt him. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t.

Today when they came in, Tony didn’t have time to hide him. He was in Tony’s arms and Tony was just holding him close. Peter barely had any strength left but whatever strength he did have, he used to hold back to Tony. 

Being Spider-Man was usually a blessing, but when he wasn’t fed enough to satisfy his metabolism, it was a curse. Peter was even weaker than Tony in this state. He needed food and nutrients. 

However, today was different. They didn’t immediately start beating on one of them. They opened the cell and three men walked in; two of them walked forward and one stayed back in the doorway with a small dog crate in his hand. 

Tony didn’t know what they had planned, but he did know that there was no way he was fitting in that crate. But Peter would

He growled, tucking the kid closer to his chest. “Stay the fuck away from him.” 

One of the man laughed as he took a step forward. “We both know how this ends. Don’t fight or else it’ll be worse.” 

Which was usually the smart thing to do– what helped them survive the 37 days. But this was different. They weren’t just going to beat one of them. They were going to take Peter away. 

“Touch him and I’ll fucking kill you.” 

“Yeah, you said that weeks ago. Look how far that got you.” The other man reached for Peter and Tony couldn’t back away any further. So he squeezed as tight as he could to that kid. 

“Let go,” the other warned as he watched the struggle

“Over my dead body,” Tony snarled. He could feel Peter’s nails digging into his skin as he held on so tight. 

“Test us and we may just do that,” the man grunted as he tugged on Peter. “No one wants an old man like you. But a kid like him? We’ve got a half dozen bidders already fighting over the prize.” 

“He’s not a prize! He’s a human child!” 

“I’d say otherwise,” the man laughed before yanking on Peter one last time with enough strength to pull him out of Tony’s arms. Peter started thrashing immediately to try and get away. 

Tony pushed himself back up on his hands and knees and crawled desperately to get to him, but they threw him out of the cell and into the cage before Tony had a chance. 

Before leaving, the man kicked Tony hard in the gut with a laugh. Tony fell to his side with a grunt. “Stay down, bitch.”

“Mr. Stark!” Peter yelled, his fingers coming out of the grated cage. 

Tony reached out an arm. “Hold on, kiddo. I’m gonna find you. No matter where you go I’m gonna find you.” 

The only thing Tony heard as they walked away with the crate was Peter screaming his name and the heavy beating of his heart. 

He was going to get him back. 
And he was gonna raise a little hell while doing it. 

Spiderman and ironman जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें