mouth stitched shut

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Just to let you know I did not write this I seen it online just to let you Kwon.

Peter smiled as he ran out of the school building. The sun was shining brightly and it was warm enough to make Peter sweat in his long sleeved shirt. It may have only been May, but summer weather was already on its way. Peter couldn’t wait.

Waiting just where he always was, Happy was leaning against his car. He had an unreadable expression on his face with his sunglasses perched on his nose, but Peter knew that was just a show. He didn’t mind picking Peter up from school; they’d been doing it for a few months now and he even let Peter sit in the front seat with him.

“Hey, Happy!” He called, waving excitedly to him as he reached him.

Happy’s top lip quirked slightly before falling back into a straight line. “Hey, squirt. How was school?”

“Great!” Peter said, not sure where to even start. Happy shook his head and walked around to get inside the car. Peter hopped into the passenger seat with a grin.

“I’m sure I’m gonna hear all about it,” he said, starting the car up.

Peter laughed. “You sure are.”

There was that lip quirk again. “Oh great. I forgot my earplugs at home.”

Peter smiled because he knew he didn’t mean it. “Lucky you.”

“Alright, fine. Go crazy. But I’m gonna need something to get me through this. You mind stopping for ice cream?”

Peter perked up in his seat. “Ice cream? Do you even have to ask?”

Happy chuckled. “Alright, kiddo. You got it.”


Happy started driving to the nearest ice cream parlor and Peter started his tale of everything that happened that day that he needed to tell Happy. He was halfway through telling Happy about this kid that tried tripping him in the hallway but wound up tripping himself when they finally stepped outside of the car.

“It was the same kid that you used the car to splash a puddle with when driving me home last week. Remember him?” Peter wasn’t sure why he tugged on Happy’s sleeve as he said that, but he did anyway and Happy didn’t mind.

“Oh, I remember him alright,” Happy huffed. “Tell him he wants to try something with you again and I’ll be using the car to run him over with.”

Peter rolled his eyes. He knew Happy didn’t mean it; he was just over-protective. Ever since he had gotten closer with Tony, that meant Rhodey and Happy also wanted to look out for him. “Yes, I’ll be sure to let him know. But I prefer when you’re not in jail for vehicular manslaughter, so let's--.” Peter froze when all of the hair stood up on his arms. That meant trouble. He stopped walking and grabbed Happy’s sleeve, tugging it.

Happy stopped as well and looked at him in concern. “What's wrong?”

Peter stared back with wide eyes and whispered, “Something’s wrong.”

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