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I did not make write this

Tony looks up from his phone the moment it turns 3:15. He’s smiling, watching as kids rush past each other to get to their freedom. Today is Thursday, which means Happy is picking up Peter today to take him back to the lab. Tony decided to tag along for he ride and surprise the kid. Maybe all three of them could get lunch together.

“Him and his buddy usually– there they are,” Happy says, pointing to where Peter is walking down the front steps to the school.

He’s saying something to his friend, looking excited about whatever they’re talking about. But the smile is wiped off his face a moment later. Peter freezes and his friend does so too, whispering to him as Peter grips his wrists tightly.

Happy is already off the car along with Tony as they hurry forward. They both know that’s his spidey sense telling him something is wrong.

They’re a few feet away when the shit hits the fan. A man jumps from who knows where and tackles Peter to the ground. Tony winces as Peter’s face is dragged across he cement and he lets out a yelp.

Chaos erupts around them when all the kids try to run away from the danger. All except for Peter’s friend, who rushes forward yelling for him to get off of Peter.

But the man keeping Peter’s face into the ground has friends. And they all have guns.

The man gets off of Peter and hauls him up with the help of another goon. They’re weak and Peter can snap them in half easily– except that would give away his identity in front of everyone.

They hold on tightly around his biceps as he strugges– not enough to get free, just enough to put on a show.

Despite the gun being held in his direction, Peter’s friend shouts, “You’re gonna be sorry, assholes!”

The man holding the gun to him reverses back to Peter and grabs his cheeks with his hand. He squeezes his face hard enough for his mouth to open up and the nozzle of the gun is shoved between his lips. “Get out of here or I pull the fucking trigger!”

A teacher comes and grabs his friends hand, dragging him away as he screams for Peter, tears running down his cheeks.

Tony takes a cautious step forward. He needs to get control of this situation. This isn’t somewhere private– this is in front of a fucking high school. Hell, the kid’s teachers and peers were watching him being held hostage with a fucking gun stuck in his mouth.

Peter’s scared and it’s not part of the show– Tony knows he’s scared.

“Hey, I think we can settle this calmy. No need to hurt the kid.” He raises his hands, showing he means no harm. “It’s about me, right? You want something from me?”

“Tony Stark!” The man with the gun inside Peter’s mouth shouts. Tony notices he’s shaking. “You’re here.”

“Yup, I am, pal. I’m here so no need to go anywhere secret and make ransom calls.” They want Peter, not Spider-Man, so it has to be about Tony Stark.

“I need your money,” he says and he sounds desperate. “I need two hundred thousand.”

Tony nods his head. “We can talk about all of this fun stuff, but you’ve got a gun in a child’s mouth on school property. The police are probably already on their way and it won’t end nicely if you don’t let him go.”

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