Tony is Peter dad

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It was a one night stand with a woman called Mary she worked for me she was a scientist. One night at a party I got a bit drunk and she was a bit tipsy we started flirting she had a wedding ring on but he did not care at all, they got in the elevator and went to his bedroom.
Three months later she was talking to Pepper saying she was pregnant and tony was the dad and wanted to let him know.
Tony did not want to know the child but said he will send her money, he did not want to ruin the child life, he did not want to be like his father.
2002 August 23 Peter Stark was born, Mary was alone when she given birth to Peter, Richard kicked her out and wanted a divorce the only person she had was may who would text her asked if she was ok. Mary felt all alone tony did not show up to the birth she sent text saying she was going to give birth but tony did not show up.
As Peter got older he looks like tony a lot he has his big brown Bambi eyes and Peter is a genius like him. Mary started to drink and take pills then Peter was at school or asleep, she would go out when Peter was asleep and bring back a stranger or when she had no money and need drugs she would sleep with him for drugs.
Peter did now that tony was his dad because when his mum was drunk or on drugs she would slug off tony saying how he did not want you and if she could she would had a abortion, Peter did not know what that was he was only five at the time, when his mum would wake up after getting drunk she would say sorry and she did not mean it and she loves him to the moon and back, but Peter always forgive his mum and said I love you to.
As Peter lot older his mum started dating her drug dealer so she was always of her face on drugs, she did not see the bruises when her boyfriend would hit him or slapped in the face.
When Peter turned 14 he got bitten by a spider and now he fights crimes and looks out for the little guy he works In Queens. One night he got home late it was 12:30am in the morning and his mum boyfriend given him such a beaten even with super healing it took two days to fully heal.
When Peter walked into his small apartment his mum was lying on the floor with vomit in her mouth and on the floor there was a needle next to her, he sprinted to his mum on the floor to see if she was breathing, he pulled up his phone and called 991.
When they got to the apartment she was dead, they asked if there was some to call to see if he could stay with them, Peter know his mum has his dad phone number it is under dickhead, he pulls out his phone and text him
Peter to Mr stark : I know your my dad:
Tony to Peter : how did you get this number your mum I told her not to give it to you:
Peter to tony: mum died today she choked on her Owen vomit on the floor all alone when I was at school came back from school to find her like that:
Tony to Peter: I will be there in 10 minutes didn’t worry I be there for you and a better dad I know I was shit dad but I promise to be there for you:
Time skip one year
Peter and tony have gotten close, Peter even calls him dad and he told he about his mum boyfriend about when he would hit him, tony would say sorry for not being there and if he knew he would taken him in then, Peter even told him about spider man his dad made him a better suit and they would work in tony lab and Peter would talk about Mj or about school.

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