Chapter 4

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The day feels the same as any other, there's no sign of Calum or any indication that he's even been home. His room - from what I could see from the window - looks as untouched as mine had been the first day I walked in. It has me thinking maybe last night and any day before hadn't even happened. Maybe I just dreamt being home and Calum and Emily being back as well.

Perhaps I dreamt going out and seeing Calum or maybe I was just too drunk to realize that whoever came to my rescue wasn't Calum. Maybe last night I  dreamt about going outside and sitting with him. It definitely wouldn't be the first time my minds pulled one over on me.

An hour long hot bath, a two hour lie down on the floor listening to music and a 45 minute - and counting - trip to the store later and I've finally somewhat made peace with the fact that Calum wasn't home.

He's probably busy doing famous things with his famous-by-association girlfriend. He could go anywhere he wants, why would he come home?

The stores a little more crowded than I remember it ever being but I don't think much of it, the business must have gotten better throughout the years. Maybe people want to come see where the oh-so-famous 5 Seconds Of Summer used to do their shopping. I can't help but give a breathy chuckle at the thought. I'm actually not sure why it's funny to me, it's probably true.

I let the thought settle as I look over which chip and dip I should go for. It's still, even after all these years, so hard to process that the four boys I spent essentially every day with were actually famous. They actually made it. Not that I ever doubted them. I just never thought this big and I definitely never even thought about what it'd be like to not be apart of it all.

With a sigh, I decide to get both chips and dips I'd been contemplating, sluggishly grabbing them and placing them in my cart.

As I continue out of the aisle I catch a glimpse of a small group to the left of me noticing they're taking pictures first then I notice pale skin and bright hair and I immediately break into a wide smile. I didn't think it'd feel so good to see a familiar face.

"Mikey!" I call out before I can even really stop yourself. He turns to look at me and breaks into a smile of his own.

"Kota!" He beams and walks away from the group of people to get his arms around me in a tight squeeze.

"I've been waiting for your call," I say pointedly. And okay maybe I hadn't cut off all connections with 5 Seconds Of Summer.

"I know! I'm sorry, I've been sleeping. I swear I was going to call you today," he's still smiling and talking with his hands as usual.

"Sure you were," I hum.

"I was," he promises and because we really didn't need any catching up we go into more of a casual chat about when I'd gotten back, when he got back and obviously needing to hangout.

We're in the middle of a little trip down memory lane, laughing and all when Calum walks up beside Michael, shoving him a bit with a pointed look I can't quite read. I was never good at reading their quiet conversations, they always did that as a band and it was and still is the most frustrating thing.

It takes a minute but it finally settles that Calum is here.

Calum's here.


And he was the one that punched that guy at the club. I did sit out in my yard with him. Which means Emily was here too.

Michael says a quick goodbye after their telepathic conversation and Calum nods his goodbye and then they're off. I take another minute to recollect myself and quickly finish my rounds around the store.


It's around 11 o'clock at night and I'm out in my backyard, laying on my trampoline with my dog tucked close at my side when Calum decides he wants to talk. Or, well, shout? Complain? Vent? Possibly fight?

"You still talk to Michael!?" He huffs, not even giving a warning of any sort. I slowly register that he's there and talking to me taking a moment to settle and when it does I sit up with a sigh.

"Sometimes," I shrug.

"What!? Since when!?" He throws his arms up and lets them fall back down to his sides with a clap.

"A while," I look away from him, instead picking at my nails.

"A wh-" he cuts himself off with an angry tone. "You've been talking to my best friend, my bandmate for a while and neither of you told me!?" I shrug again, I never did like Calum being mad at me. "I can't believe you two," he shakes his head.

"I told him not to tell, okay?" I look up at him just for a second though because he's still got that angry demeanor about him.

"You told him not t-" again, he cuts himself off but this time with an angry breathy chuckle. "So when you said goodbye you just meant me then?" His voice has gone softer and his whole demeanor is slumped.

"It wasn't like that Calum. You're making it seem like we all conspired against you or something but that's not-"

"We all? So it wasn't just Michael!?"

"Will you stop. It was different with us Calum. They weren't just your friends they were mine too and you and me..well we weren't friends were we. I knew if we kept talking nothing would have ended between us and I wanted you to forget about me Cal, I wanted you to move on and not have to worry about me or us. And it looks like you've done a pretty good job at it."

He gives me a look then. One of complete and utter disbelief like he can't actually begin to fathom that I'd just said what I said.

"Pretty good job?" he scoffs. "If that's what you honestly believe then I guess we never really knew each other after all." And he's gone. Marching home before I can talk any further.


Short, short, chapter. Sorry, writer's block is a bitch. Now that I have this little bit up though I think I know where I want to take this but I wanted to wait till the next chapter to start it. (:

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