Chapter 10

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Things are good. Things are more than good. I'd say my second week of being home had gone unexpectedly well. Probably the best I could have ever imagined it. Filled mostly of days with Calum just like it used to be. Lots of cuddles and kisses and talking and learning to stay out of any situation that may look a bit date-ish even if more often than not, it was a date.

We'd fallen into a comfortable way about our lives together. So, naturally, that was bound to come crashing down. That's how things always seem to end up with me and Calum.

I'm about halfway through my third week at home and exceptionally comfortable in our relationship. So comfortable I even decide to tag along with Calum as he and the boys have certain little interviews to do that won't take that long, Kota, promise.

Yet, there I was, standing behind the camera and crew for whatever number interview this was now. I'd honestly lost count sometime after lunch. This was supposed to be the last one before 'the big one.' I'm not sure what the big one is but all I know is that everyone seems to be making a huge deal about it. It's all everyone from the makeup artist to the coffee runner can talk about.

Everyones been running around like chickens with their heads cut off getting ready for this interview.

It's not until the second to last interview ends and everyone starts to get ready for 'the big one' that I actually get to do some complaining to Calum. He already knows, can see it on my face as he walks up to me.

"I know, I know, I know, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think they'd run this long," he frowns.

"You promised before lunch Cal, you also promised me cookies," I mutter.

"We'll get you cookies, I promise, look," he stops to tap at someone walking by. "Cookies. We need cookies."

The guy looks hesitant but nods, "Right away."

"Soft ones," I mumble grumpily.

"Soft ones, please," Calum smiles politely at the guy who mirrors it and nods again.

"You got me up before the sun and I have yet to have gotten anything I was promised," I continue my fussing because I'm tired and cold and hungry and just want to be tucked into bed with Calum already.

"I'm getting you your cookies aren't I?" he grins hopeful.

"I'm tired," I pout.

"I know babe, almost done," he pulls me into him and I limply obligate, resting my head sleepily against his chest.

"Last one right?" I mumble.

"Yes, last one," he nods.

"Then we can go home?"

"Then we can go home," he repeats with a light squeeze around my waist.

"And you'll cuddle with me?" At this point I'm sure to fall over if Calum pulls away even an inch.

"Of course," he replies brightly.

"And you'll sing to me?"

"If you want," he hums.

"And food. We'll get food?"

"Yes, we'll get food, Kota," he chuckles. I hum at the thought and nuzzle closer. "Why don't you take a nap on the couch over there, babe?"

"Mm mm," I hum my disapproval.

"You're not going to fall asleep like this are you?" he muses.

"Shh," I shush, half asleep already.

"Kota, you can't fall asleep like this love, I've got to get back and you'll fall on your ass," he starts to pull away with a small laugh.

"I don't care, they can do the stupid interview like this," I murmur, holding onto his shirt.

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