Chapter 11

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My chest is heaving, my rapid heartbeat loud in my ears and my hands are shaking as I quickly try to call for a car to pick me up. My minds racing a million miles a minute trying to make sense of it all as I attempt to give my location to the car service. I'm actually not entirely sure where exactly it is that I am since I'd been driven with the boys so that's another person I have to attempt to form words and ask a question. As soon as I'm reciting it to the driver on the phone the same door I stormed out of opens and out comes Calum.

Telling my driver to make it quick, I hang up the phone. Trying to ignore the dark haired boy goes out the window once the angers built up. I don't even care about the couple of people scattered around, I'm sure I already look a right mess considering how many times I've frustratingly ran my hands through my hair and grumbled to myself.

"What do you want?" I grit out, with arms crossed.

"Kota.." Calum starts but it's like something in me snaps and I'm not about to cry about this. Not in front of him.

"No, you know what, I don't even care. I don't care why you're out here or what utter shit you came out here to say. Because that's exactly what it is, it's shit. None of it means anything, it's all just crap you say to make yourself feel better about being a complete ass."

"That's not fair," he frowns and that's around the time I'm just completely and absolutely done.

"So you didn't kiss Emily?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"That's not..that's different."

"Right, and you don't really hang out other than when you have to?"

"We don't," he insists.

"You sure as hell had enough time to be caught in multiple elevators, staircases, hotels, cars, clubs, fucking alleyways."

"Well why do those even matter? You were the one that wanted to break up in the first place right? I was just doing what you said to do," his voice has gone harsh and his whole face is now closed off and I know he's doing what he does best in situations like this.

"So you did it just to spite me then? How nice," I say sarcastically. "But no. You're right Calum, it doesn't matter. Just like it doesn't matter who I fucked while you were away," I reply bluntly. I watch in satisfactory as his jaw clenches and his demeanor hardens.

"But you know what does matter? What did happen while we were 'back together'," I make air quotes that seem to do their job and pierce through his hard exterior. "You lied. You lied straight to my face, Calum. You knew you didn't just 'see her when you had to'. And you knew you were leaving. When were you planning on telling me that because apparently you've known this whole time. You've known every time I gave in to you. Every time you got into my bed and said you loved me. You knew you were leaving. You knew it was all just a lie."

"No," he takes a nervous step forward, I take a step back. "Dakota, you know that's not true. You know I love you."

"No, Calum, I don't. Everything that's come out of your mouth lately has been a lie, what makes that any different? It's like I don't even know you anymore," I shrug.

"You know I love you, Kota. I've loved you since I can remember. I'm still just your stupid neighbor you hated that played shitty gigs in his nobody-band," he pleads.

"When was the last time you slept with her?" My head held high.

"Dakota, that doesn't matter. She doesn't matter. I love you," he reaches out to grab my hand which I quickly pull away.

"Just like she didn't matter before? Just like she wasn't anything to worry about before? I don't care who you love anymore, Calum. Just..please stop. God, you're like a broken record. And I'm tired of waiting for it to stop skipping." The air around us suddenly thickens.

"What? Dakota. You can't do this. Not again. I was going to tell you, I swear," he says a bit frantically.

"I wasn't the one that started this Calum. I told you. I told that day at the airport. When you were ready to come home and stay home, I'd be here. But you're not. You're leaving..again and that doesn't change anything, Calum," I shake my head and watch the car I called pull up.

"Actually, it does change something. Clearly I was wrong at the airport. We were never in the cards, you and I. And I know that now more than ever," my eyes blurring with tears. "So," I take a deep breathe. "Good luck with your fake girlfriend and great career. I mean it this time, Calum. This is goodbye."

"Dakota-" he takes a couple steps before I quickly get in the car, shutting the door behind me and giving the cabbie my mom's address, watching as I pull away from the only boy I seemingly know how to love.

Soooo this is really short, I know. But I felt bad for not updating yesterday so I just wanted to give you guys something. Also didn't want to start the emotional roller coaster till next chapter to properly get the tears out and all. :-)

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