Chapter 7

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"Calum, will you leave these poor people and their dog alone," I scold light heartedly.

"But look at it, it's so cute!" he pouts, petting the small fluffy dog.

"Yes kiwi, I see it," I chuckle.

"It's very cute. However, it isn't ours and I'm sure these people would like their dog back now," I glance at the two ladies smiling down at the boy sat on the ground letting the dog lick over his face. One is a teenager and from the way she's looking at him I'm sure she knows who he is. The other is older, probably her mom. She looks a little more impatient.

"5 more minutes," he looks up at me, giving his best puppy dog eyes.

"That's what you said 10 minutes ago, Hood, I'm leaving you here," I threaten wholeheartedly.

"Fine," he reluctantly agrees, dusting off his butt as he gets to his feet.

The younger of the two girls asks Calum for a picture which he happily agrees to, apologizing for holding them up which she just giggles at and her mom assures that it was more than okay since he's kind of all over her bedroom wall. It's my first time witnessing something like this. I'd almost forgotten Calum and the other boys were famous. Still mind boggling.

"Look at you mister charming superstar," I tease as we walk away from the people which he'd thrown a few charming words at.

"Can't help it Kot, it's just natural. You of all people should know that," he grins.

"Oh god," I groan with a small laugh as I hop onto his back.

"You're not denying it," he beams smugly.

"Thought it was pretty obviously. You're the worst, can't stand you," I mutter jokingly.

"What was that? You want me to put you down and don't want any ice cream?" he calls over his shoulder.

"No," I squeak and hold on tighter as he makes a motion as if he's going to drop me. "You're great and I love you please don't drop me and please buy me ice cream," I hum quickly not really thinking much of my words. He happily agrees.


"Can I ask you something?" I look over at Calum from where we're sat on the sand watching the ocean.

"No," he replies playfully.

"Calum," I deadpan.

"Okay, what is it?" he chuckles at his own antics.

"What.." I sigh, looking away because this was far more easier in my head. "What exactly is Emily do you guys do?" For a moment I think maybe that's overstepping somehow but he doesn't seem fazed by it, answering easily.

"She mainly just goes places with us, like events and award shows and public things," he shrugs.

"How casual," I snort. "Oh you know, just award shows and things," I mock with hand gestures earning me a light nudge and small smile. "And when you're not super busy being a star?" I ask nonchalant, mentally patting myself on the back.

"We don't really hang out, as you can tell," he gestures around at the beach with no Emily in sight.

"How does that work? Like where does she stay?" My curiosity getting the better of me.

"On the bus she usually has her own bunk, then in hotels she'll have her own room too," he answers smoothly, burying his legs in sand.

"Does she stay with you guys all the time?" I move to sit in front of him with crossed legs to help with the burying.

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