Chapter 5

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Calum and I don't necessarily avoid each other, it's more like moving around each other. If I'm at the store and Calum happens to be around a corner I'll casually reroute, if I'm out for a walk with Rudy and Calum's out in his front yard, because if one of us is in the back another is in the front, he'll wordlessly head inside. If we're both dragged to a neighborhood barbecue we'll kindly - not ignore - just, not exactly socialize with each other.

The thing is though, Calum's so clearly angry with me still. And okay maybe there is some avoiding going on but it's mostly on Calum's part.

So that rerouting at the store is more like Calum will give me this look, one that pierces straight through me and makes me want to hide and maybe cry a little so really I have no option but to reroute. That 'one of us being in the front and the other in the back' is usually if I'm in the back Calum will stay in the front or if I'm in the front he's in the back and he doesn't just wordlessly go inside. Technically, yes, he doesn't actually say anything but he'll send me daggers and kind of scoff to himself as he gets to his feet and lets his front door slam shut behind him.

And of course the neighborhood barbecues. Those are by far the worst. They seem to be having them more often since the block's little star is home and everyone wants to see him and talk to him and take photos and it's everything I want to do as well but it's literally out of the question.

He keeps a safe distance and swiftly ignores the fact that I'm even there, dodging any questions that involve me or my presence. It's absolutely the worst and to add on it - as if that wasn't enough - he always proudly has Emily latched at his side. He'll walk around unfazed and blissful with his arm around her waist as he chats to different neighbors and their distant families that want to get a chance at the famous boy.

I've only been home about 5 days now and I've somehow managed to ruin everything - if there was ever anything to ruin. Even my mom's at a cross with me. She wont tell me why, in fact she swears she doesn't even care which is clearly a lie if her disapproving looks and scolding expressions are any indication.

I don't understand why though. I don't understand why either of them are upset with me. My mom had absolutely no right and Calum, well he was already looking for a fight with the fact that I had been talking to Michael and the other two. But he only seemed to really get upset sometime after I mentioned the fact that he'd done a pretty good job at moving on.

Which he had.

He has two successful albums so far, sold out concerts all over the world, playing to thousands and let's not forget his oh-so-perfect 'you have nothing to worry about.'

So yes, in my opinion, from my side of things, he looks like he's gotten on pretty well without me. Why was that so upsetting? Why was everyone getting mad at me? I was the one who had an actual breakdown just from walking home.

It doesn't even matter. I don't even care anymore. I'll just stay inside and out of everyones way until day 7 when I'll call it and head back earlier than the two weeks I had planned.


It happens on said seventh day. I've already told my mom and packed my stuff the previous day and am sat on the same rusty old playground swing I sat on years ago when the inevitable happens, Calum finding his way back to me.

"Blast from the past eh?" he chuckles so casually I literally have to stop and recollect my thoughts which admittedly is a little hard to do when all my mind can think about is the day I first ever properly talked to Calum.

"Haven't been on these swings since-"

"Why are you here?" I cut him off because I'd rather not hear him say it.

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