Chapter 12

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I startle awake to a loud crash outside. My first instinct is to silently panic with my blanket thrown over my head. Then theres another crash but this time a string of swears follow suit and I quickly recognize the voice they belong to. With a groan I peek out my window, my suspicions being confirmed at the sight of Calum shushing the trash cans at the side of my house.

With curious eyes I watch as he waits a second, finger over his lips while staring at the bins like they'll move or make noise any second. They don't. And he lets out a little huff like he's scolding them for the crashing sounds before. Then he's running a hand through his messy hair as he shuffles his way to my back door. He must not see me because he starts taking out his phone and scrolling through his contacts.

My phone rings a couple times before I decide to go out, completely confused as to why he's even in my yard.

"What do you want Calum?" I bite frustratingly.

"Kota!" He smiles brightly. My eyebrows pull together, eyes blinking a few times all the while shaking my head because surely he's lost his mind if he's here and using that tone.

"Kota, listen. I know I fucked up. I always fuck up. But I miss you. And..and I think..I think Ashton's looking for me," he giggles.

"Calum.. are you drunk?" His slurs finally clicking in my sleep-hazed mind.

"No, no," he shakes his head then loses balance, almost falling over. "Maybe a little," he pinches his fingers close together then breaks into more drunken giggles.

"Go home, Cal," I huff.

"I am home," he hums.

"Okay, get out of my yard then," I cross my arms.

"No," he replies firmly.

"Calum," my voice just as stern.

"No, not until we talk."

"We already talked, Calum, please just go home," I drop my arms irritably.

"I don't want to go home," he says matter-of-fact.

"Then don't go home, Calum. I don't care. Just get out of my yard and leave me alone."

"I don't want to leave you alone," he frowns.

"Well I want you to."

"Why?" His eyes going big and doe-like.

"You know why, Calum," I sigh.

"Do you hate me again?" He rubs his eye like a sleepy little kid would and I know I'll be screwed if he stays any longer.

"I've never hated you," I admit reluctantly.

"But you don't love me anymore right?" I swallow down the lump in my throat at his heart-clenching words.

"No, Calum. I don't," I clear my throat and hope he's drunk enough not to notice the tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, I told Michael you didn't. Told him how I ruined everything. How you hate me now," he nods his head sadly.

"I don't hate you, remember?" I catch his eye and attempt a breathy chuckle.

"I hate me too," he mutters quietly.

"Calum-" I begin to protest when a breathless Ashton is coming up to the two of us.

"Shit, sorry, he kind of got away from us," Ashton's quick to apologize.

"That's alright," I clear my throat, hastily wiping away my tears. "Just glad he didn't wake my mom." Ashton gives a knowing look that's a little sympathetic and completely understanding.

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