Chapter 15

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"I can feel you staring," Calum groans, voice rough with sleep.

"Well..wake up," I bring my hand down to scratch at his scalp pointedly. He responds with a hum of mmm. I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean. It doesn't sound like him disagreeing, more like him just humming but he doesn't say anything so I can't be too sure.

"What was that?" I muse.

"Shhh," he shush quietly, snuggling closer to my pillow.

"Calum," I chuckle at the sleepy boy attempting to pull the blankets he's laying on over his body.

"I'm sleeping," he mumbles, crossing his arms close to his chest in an attempt to warm up.

"Well it's two in the afternoon and I'd like to get this conversation sorted before too much of the day is wasted."

"Mhm," he agrees with a little nod of the head. Then his eyebrows pull together, "What?"

"We have to talk, and I'd like to do that now, please," I hum.

"Kota?" He asks as his eyes slowly start to flutter open.

"Morning sunshine," I grin down at him. He rubs the sleep out of his eye and looks around the room like he's completely lost so I decide to help.

"You went missing last night, I found you, brought you home, we slept, I woke up, waited, but now I think I'll probably explode if I wait any longer."

"You brought me home?" He asks groggily.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Keep up kiwi, yes. You were drunk and since the boys did such a shit job at looking after you last time, I figured I'd bring you home. Plus you also refused to go with Ashton."

He nods, taking in the information as fast as his half-asleep brain will let him.

"Did I say anything?..Last night?" He asks after a moment of blinking around.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," I shrug. "No deep secrets or anything don't worry." He nods acknowledging, running his hand through his mess of hair then pulls on his abandoned shirt on the floor.

"Right, well. Sorry. You probably want me to go then right?"

"No," I jerk my hands out to still him then have to reel myself back in. "I mean, we still need to talk."

"Thought you said we already did," he challenges.

"Yeah, well, I was wrong," I retort and wait another moment before speaking again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I look at my hands fidgeting with the covers, only sparing a glance up at him. He looks confused so I clarify. "About..Luke's."

He lets out a breathy huff, "I tried. You told me to leave." Ouch. I definitely deserved that one and the tone he's currently using. Even if I do hate it when he uses it.

"Fair enough," I mutter. "But maybe you shouldn't have had your friend" I air quote, "Sleeping in your bed after we literally just had a fight about her."

He looks taken back by my statement, even shaking his head a bit. "What?"

"Emily. She was in your bed - naked. That's why I told you to leave. I thought.." I trail off not wanting to even finish the sentence.

"You thought I slept with Em?" He gapes.

"Well yeah, is that so crazy? I mean it wouldn't have been the first," I say sheepishly.

He sighs, dropping his hands on the covers. "When are you going to get it Dakota? I don't want Em. Did we sleep together? Honestly? Yes. You had just told me to move on and weren't answering any of my calls or texts.." he pauses, giving me a curious look like he's waiting for me to interrupt. But I heard what my mom had to say.

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