Chapter 6

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"I wrote a song about you," Calum says matter-of-fact.

"Did you?" I glance down at the boy laid with his head on my upper stomach.

"A few actually," he mutters, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Not surprised, you sap," I tease, giving an extra loving stroke to his hair.

"I'm not a sap, you're a sap," he mumbles and I give a little giggle.

"I went to see you," I admit quietly after a few moments of silence.

"What?" his tone slow and lazy like he's not really paying attention and is well on his way to sleep.

"I went to one of your shows," I clarify a little more clear now.

"What? When?" Any sign of sleepiness in his voice now gone as he lifts his head to meet my gaze.

"Mmm," I stop and count my fingers. "About..9..10..? Months ago?"

"And you didn't tell me?" he frowns, dragging himself up to sit properly.

"I didn't think it was a big deal," I shrug even if it 100% was a big deal.

"Dakota," he deadpans a little dumbfounded.

"What? I'm sorry okay, I wasn't aware then that you wanted me to swear at you. I promise if I had known I'd have showed up with a bullhorn and shouted them at the top of my lungs." He's still pouting after my joke so I sigh and sit up right myself.

"I'm sorry, honestly. I just..I don't know. I didn't tell the other boys either, it wasn't like a secret we all kept from you. No one knows I went but I think I probably would've just about died if I didn't at least go see you once." At that he softens a bit looking a little sleepy again. "You're not mad at me again are you?" I trace of the ink on his hand, I'm still getting used to, of his dad's initials. "Because I don't think I can take that," I hum.

"But if you are I'd prefer you stay. I won't even talk, I promise," I flash him a wide, innocent smile. It doesn't take long for him to falter with a small smile and little shake of the head.

"I'm not mad, just wished you would've told me," he shrugs and quickly places a peck to my lips before laying back down. It was quick and hardly gave me time to reciprocate and a little hesitant like he wasn't sure he should have done it or not, yet, it's just as breathtaking and dizzying as the kiss we'd shared outside.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling only Calum seems to bring. He pulls me down into him then and I willingly go, cuddling myself into his side.

"I missed you," he confesses quietly, fingertips lightly tracing the line of my spine. I feel impossibly warm at the words, my heart finally feeling at peace.

I close my eyes and attempt to cuddle closer to the solid feel of having Calum there, breathing in his familiar scent and letting myself soak it all up. I feel so at bay, so incredibly at home, I think I could cry.

"I missed you too kiwi," I whisper back in the dark of my room.


The first time I wake is around 4 in the morning. My bladders about to explode and we've shifted so Calum's now somehow tangled himself across me, head by my shoulder so we're sharing a pillow, arm sprawled across my abdomen and legs swung over my own. I can't help but crack a smile at the deeply sleeping boy. I almost don't want to move or wake him, forgetting how much I missed sharing a bed. Unfortunately though, my body is threatening to spill out bodily fluids with or without my consent.

So I decide to go quietly, figuring I could just slip out from under him. But no, of course it's not so simple. He misses a breath and holds me a little closer.

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